Playful times leaves good memories.


"Hey anna, something feels off about this place I think we should leave," Victor said worriedly

"We can't yet we haven't gotten the information of what this new way is to remove grac-, er," She hesitated. "To remove abilities."She resumed.

"The room attendant's smile looked friendly but hiding under it was something inhuman."Victor.

"Inhuman?"Anna asked.

"You know, his aura wasn't... I don't know, normal or should I say he felt dangerous."

"You might have been imagining things."Anna tried to dismiss the topic.

"Did Ivy ever teach you bloodlust as well?"He said.

Anna looked at him

"She tried to but I didn't get the hang of it, it was hard."Anna.

"What of jane?"Victor asked.

"She said she was getting the hang of it at first but it was difficult and couldn't keep it up constantly so she gave it up to focus more on her skills," She paused "Why are you asking?"

"Oh, nothing."He turned away smiling coyly.

"You got something I don't big whoop?"


"Wipe that grin off your face," Anna said.

"Me? Never"He was smiling even harder but was trying to suppress it.

"Well the main key in getting it is to empty your mind constantly to feel others' intent towards you, I guess it's easy for you since your head's always empty."

"Ouch, you couldn't just leave a compliment?"He pouted.

"Any good thing I would have said to you would blow up your already swollen head hehe."She laughed sarcastically.

"(Yeesh, she's back to her old self, I miss the girl I was dancing with.)"Victor muttered.

"I'm sweety from our little dance and this AC is making me feel horrible with the sweat so I'm going to take a shower."

Anna stood up and headed for the bathroom.

"Okay, uh, have fun?"Victor said awkwardly.

A few seconds later she poked her head out of the bathroom.

"Uh, Victor can you come in here for a second?"

"H-huh? Why?"Victor.

"I need your help with something," Anna said.

He went in.

"What do you need me for and can you turn off the shower I can't hear you and I can barely see well through the steam."

(For God's sake how hot does the water need to be until you are happy.)

"Help me get my wire off, it got stuck

"Where is it again oh behind your ear, the wires got stuck in your hair, hehe, so your this clumsy."Victor jokingly.

"Just get it off."

"Here we GO!"

He cut it.

"Thanks, wait I'll be taking a shower soon I need to get mine out too."

He took off his jacket, and removed his wire, he wrapped both hers and his in his jacket on the way out and laid down on the bed.

"Phew...that place was hot!!"

POV: Victor.

I know that I couldn't see well but that was a lie, I could see her in her towel.

Did her sweat make her even hotter?

After this mission is over I may never have another moment like this again.

I'm gonna go lie down, "Oof", this bed is really soft.

The fabric makes me never want to leave it...EVER!

Hehe, I'm surprised at my change, something about me has changed inside I can feel it, I'm not the same anymore, I keep smiling and making jokes but I still feel the same sadness of their deaths and the same burning hatred I have towards the person who killed my parents but again I'm also still calm about the matter...

Will I ever find the person?

No, no negative thoughts, for now, I've gotta trust Ignatius on this even if he is shady.

"And what's with Anna today, I don't know if we got closer or not but her attitude today was lovely-, no, no, no, no, no!

Her eyes when we were dancing looked sorrowful but joyous at the same time.

While we were dancing her heartbeat got faster anytime our faces got close(Mine was too but still)"

"...Anna do I love you or hate you?

I haven't been with you long but since we got this close today I can't get you out of my head, this feeling of familiarity isn't going away." I exhaled...

Why am I thinking out loud?


Gahh!! I also can't get over how soft her neck was out of my head! I might need some help.


Saved by the bell, who knows how much deeper my thoughts would have gone if I wasn't interrupted.

I walked towards the door, I didn't even need to open it to know who it was.

The room attendant's bloodlust is so distinguishable.

I better act normal.

"Hey, It's you, what do you want?"

I might have acted awkwardly and overly enthusiastic.

"Your clothes."He replied.

"Why?"I asked remembering that I wrapped our wires in my jacket.

"For safety reasons, we have to check and get rid of them."

"What if I say 'no'?" I asked.

"Then I'd be suspicious of you and I'd have to 'deal' with you accordingly."He said.

Why'd he stress the "deal" part? He's got a murderous look in his eyes, I got a chill up my spine, the way he looked at me felt like he wants to tear me apart.

I bet he is hoping I make a wrong move so he can finally get me.

He acts like he already knows our secret...but why isn't he doing anything about it?

Could it be he is under orders not to attack despite knowing?

Or maybe he doesn't know and this hotel has a thing for hiring hostile people?

I can't let this mission end without getting at least some info but if he asks for my jacket we're screwed.

"Uhm, sir I'm waiting."

"Oh yeah sorry." I seriously have to stop overthinking.

"Ehem," I cleared my throat, "I'm currently still wearing mine, the event starts by midnight and the time is currently 11:35 pm, how about you give us 10 minutes then we'll give them to you."

He peeked into our room.

"Over there" He pointed at Anna's folded dress, "I see she's taken off hers, mind if I take that one?"

"Uh, sure."

I handed him Anna's precious dress that she wore on the way in.

Why do I feel that was a mistake?

"Thank you for your cooperation, enjoy the rest of your time with your "company" but don't lose track of time now, you don't want to be late and miss your table."He smirked and left.

"Hey, Victor!" I heard Anna's voice from the bathroom "Can you pass me my dress I need to get something from it.


"Uh...uh, W-what did you need to get?" I asked nervously.

"I don't need to tell you, just bring it here."

Oh crap, I'm doomed.

I wasted 5 mins thinking of an excuse of what to say that she came out on her own.

"Jeez, you can't help someone out?"She said.

She was in a short towel drying her long dark hair dripping wet, her cleavage showing, She looked so beautiful, plus with this hotel atmosphere I could swear I'm on a honeymoon...but unfortunately, I am not.

"Where's my outfit Edosa?!"

D-did she just uses my last name?

"Uh, here's the thing, the room attendant came back and wanted our clothes for some reason and I was avoiding giving him my jacket because we would get caught so I thought...I, could give, yours," I spoke fast I hope she heard me.

She glared at me with such rage that the pressure felt like I was in that gravity chamber.

"I'm sorry"

I begged while kneeling, girls like it when guys beg right? RIGHT?!

She's still glaring at me, what do I do?

Should I grovel? But, wait what am I grovelling for?

She glared at me even harder...I grovelled.

She stepped on me with her soft foot but she was strong so I'm not sure if I'm enjoying this or if I'm gonna need a doctor soon.

"My underwear was in there you asshole!"She said angrily.

Oh, so that's why she's mad.

"I thought it was something worse."I sighed in


"You're relieved by giving out a girl's underwear, despicable."She looked at me like I was trash.

"I didn't know it was in there, honest."I tried to explain.

She shoved her heel into my back.


"Did you just moan?!"Anna said surprised.

"No way I'm enjoying it, it hurts."

The more I'm with this girl the more fetishes I unlock.

"Gross, I'm going back to the bathroom to put on the dress they gave me since I have no choice, Edosa."She grabbed the folded clothes and went back to the bathroom.

I sat up beside the huge bed.

[Exhales] I'm tired of today, this may be a death flag but I wish something interesting would happen.