Fire brings warmth, but warmth can't start a fire.



After yelling at me and running off into the bathroom, she came looking so...beautiful, I'd never seen anything like it.

She's wearing a black satin dress with a black coat, the dress was a little short but okay not too tight in the thigh area so movement shouldn't be too hard for her, It also moderately showed off her cleavage which I have been to admit to staring at this whole time... not that I'm complaining though, hehe.

She had to do some makeup to match her outfit, she also wore silver earrings and a choker, I think that's what it's called? And wrapped it all off with a pair of black over-the-knee boots.

Now all that's left is a side slit to kill all the men downstairs.

Somehow I didn't want her to go downstairs, I'm not sure what we even came here for more than the room attendant gave her all this seems kinda odd. I'm also kind of angry that he gave me an identical suit, honestly, there's no REAL difference between what I had on and what he gave me!

"Sigh" Girls get all the better options.

"Hey, Edosa this looks pretty embarrassing to wear, huh?"She said that with so much composure that you'd almost not notice she was turning red from embarrassment.

"Wanna switch?"I asked.

"I would love to, you'd look much better in a gown," she remarked.

"Oh ha-ha very funny, but I'd have to admit I would look better, "I replied

"I can't even insult you without you turning it into a compliment for yourself."

"Oh, it's the only way I learned how to get along with you, hehe."

She glared at me and then smiled.

"Anyway let's get going I'm dying to see what this 'Event' is about,"

"Wait!" She said.

She came closer to me. Why's she acting weird again? I'm not even sure what to say or do right now.

I was standing a few meters away from the door when she called out to me while holding onto my right-hand sleeve.

She dimmed the lights...

"After this is all over I have something important to tell you." She spoke in a soft tone.

Avoiding eye contact.

Has something to tell me?

Wait, Is this a confession?!

Does me?

Omo, I haven't done anything for her to like me yet, maybe this is the start for me as a harem protagonist.

GAH!! Why am I thinking between those lines, I'm a revenge character, aren't I?

Okay, breathe victor, breath!


"Victor, are you Okay? Your breathing hard."She said.

"Oh, hehe, don't worry I'm fine, hehe."I laughed nervously.

"Can you tell me what you want to tell me now?"

She forced a smile and said:

"Sorry, later."

I agreed I shouldn't push this any further It might upset her.

She went outside ahead of me and I closed the door.

The "event" was being held on the 7th-floor event hall we headed towards the elevator to take us down.

I'll miss looking at the view from my stolen room. *Sigh* Let's get this over with.


We went into the event hall it was HUGE and COLD!!

For a common folk like me, this place is like a dream, I never want to leave!!

I feel I've lost all ambition of what my original goal was..."Sigh"I better start taking things seriously then.

I looked around there were tables everywhere with four chairs around them, a stage with three things which were covered under some sheets, I perceived the aroma of..."Sniff, sniff" Meat!!

Aww, it smells heavenly but I better control myself, everyone here both looks and dresses sophisticatedly (I feel so out of place) so I need to play the part well.

Hmm, seems there are a lot of people here already, and the stage is dark, I'm guessing the show started when we're done eating.

We took our sits it was somewhat at the center.

Heh, I bet mom would never believe this if I told her, huh?


"What's wrong with you? why do you look down?"She asked.

"Er, uh, nothing, "I said trying to fake a smile but I'm guessing it wasn't too convincing.


Thirty minutes later.

"Ahhh, the food was delicious I wish I could smuggle some home."

"Try not to be so obvious that you're an imposter, "She whispered.

"Don't worry, part of my training with Alice was table manners, I'll be fine,"

"You were using your powers while we were eating. You DO remember your eyes glow bright green right?!" she whispered.

"Well... that's the only way I'm able to remember the table manners crammed into me in a day."

"How so?"

"Well, one of my abilities is precognition but realized later on that it has variations

I call one of them "Foresight" - To see into the future.

And the other I call "Reverse-sight"- To see into the past.

While I was eating I used Reverse-sight to see back and remember all the things I couldn't recall about table manners, I explained.

"The ultimate cheat! " I proclaimed.

"Couldn't you have just put them all under clairvoyance?"She said.

"What's clairvoyance?" I asked.

She started giggling.

"That...hehe... explains why you don't know how to name your abilities, hehe, "She giggled.

Humph, she's laughing at me. If she wasn't so cute while doing it I would have been angry.

But...I like her smile, her blood has been so tense since our dance but now she's finally taking it easy, I'm glad.

"Huh? The lights went off?"

"Looks like it's about to start," Anna said.

Spotlights were turned on on the stage and then a tall man came out wearing a microphone.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you all here today for this "Special" occasion, as some of you know I am Dr. Enoch rogers, a Scientist, researcher, and biologist, I have been experimenting for years on this special project of mine, and I can't wait to show you, but first, I hope you all enjoyed your meal, I heard this hotel served quite the buffet and I hope it was to your satisfaction. Anyways, I'm sure most of you are aware of why I've gathered you here, It's to witness the birth of a new era for humans, We can go into the next step of humanity, and I will push man into the next stage of existence!

I am about to show you the hidden powers brought forth by a God."

They all clapped.

"Power of a god? What does he mean by that?"

"Shh, listen"Anna.

"Today I've brought three individuals blessed by "grace" or should I say they who manage to possess it."

He pulled down the sheets and on it were three kids in white cloaks tied to a chair with terrified looks on their faces.



They were trying to cry out for help but they put a gag on them.

"My first experiment will be Dronmar from Nepal, she's currently 15 years old, brown hair, red eyes, 151 cm in height, blood type AA, Sex:female."

"Her family wasn't well-to-do and they couldn't afford food during the harsh winter season so they sent her away to have one less mouth to feed, little did they know that she was lucky to have been sent her away because a few days later there was an avalanche which claimed her village, she was the only survivor."

"She broke her leg somewhere along her path, nowhere else to go she cradled herself in a hollow tree, slowly awaiting death...and yet still wanted to grasp onto life, her last wish was the warmth of a fire, food, and a loving home but knowing the rest were out of reach, she desired fire alone...then the Gods heard her plea and give her a chance, a chance that won't ever happen again in this lifetime, a chance know as "Grace!".He said while looking around.

Everyone looked indifferent about what he was saying but I could tell they weren't concerned for the girl, more like they were thinking: "Did he call us here to listen to this pathetic sob story?"

"Why is he talking about God?"

And "This better be leading somewhere,"

I can't read minds but I'm 100% sure that's what they're saying.

These people are scum!

"I understand what you're thinking, why, scientists would be talking about something superstitious as a god and something you can't see like grace? Well, that's what we're about to find out."He said with an ominous smile.

He untied her, and she jumped a few feet away from him.

"Now we shall-"

As he was about to finish his sentence she blew a huge wall of flame onto him it covered the entire wide stage and it even touched some of the guests who sat up front.

Everyone in the hall started screaming and running back frantically.

"Anna should we stop her?!"

"Victor, did that kill him?"

"Huh? of course it would, who could survive that? It's blazing hot in here!"

"Clarify with your bloodlust, something about this doesn't seem right."

"Huh? Fine, I'll check but he should be ash by now."

...Huh? I can still feel his life force. It's not even faint... what's going on here?

"Hahahaha! An amusing grace indeed."

A voice came out of the flames, he walked out of the fire like it was nothing, not even a scratch or a burn.

what's...going on?