Sometimes a good intent can lead to a bad decision


The room attendant kept beating her to the ground, every punch seemed worse than the last, with blood stains on his fist, the girl couldn't move, tired and about ready to give up the ghost. The attendant lost in his way was about to give her the 'final' punch which would have ended her life but then...

"Riven, stop!"Dr Enoch demanded.

"Huh? Oh, heh, I might have gotten carried away, can you blame me though, hehe."Riven kept laughing with a face showing off self-satisfaction.

"That monster!" Victor's voice strained.

"Keep it down, we may need to get out of here sooner than we think, so keep it down!"Anna trying to pacify him.

The girl still managed to get up...she walked towards Dr Enoch and knelt.

"I-if *sniff* I give you my powers...*sniff* will you... will you leave me alone?!"She cried.

He knelt on one knee and said

"Yes I Will, and after that then you can go to a wonderful place where the suffering of man can't reach you, where every day will be filled with smiles and sunshine, where every day will be warm and welcoming, We will create that world were all these things you've gone through will seem like a bad dream, l promise," He said somberly.

"Warm...sunshine...smiles?"Hot tears ran down her face, they passed through the eye riven damaged but Dr Enoch's words soothed her so much that she didn't feel it.

"I'm ready, please take them," She said.

"With pleasure" He smirked, and then he put his hand through her chest.

"Ahhhh! Arghhh!" she screamed in pain.

His hand didn't physically go through her chest, it phased through her holding on to something much deeper than her physical being, it caused her unimaginable pain and anguish

"Ahhhhh!! s-stop! Please, stop-Ahhh!"Her voice echoed throughout the hall, her voice filled the room with dread.

"Did I forget to mention? Grace removal is a feeling equivalent to removing a person's heart with your bare hands while they're awake?"

The girl kept screaming and bashing her head on his arm, but he wouldn't let go.

He pulled out something from her, and she fell on her back quietly, as if dead.

What was in his hand was a small glowing ball of light, this was it, this was grace.

"Everyone don't be frightened by what happened she's not dead."

He went towards her and put his near her microphone to her mouth, it was making a faint breathing sound.

"As you all can hear, she's not dead, just in a state of near death, like a coma but she's awake, This is what happens when grace is removed from you, other than the extraordinary pain you'll feel, you'll revert to what you were originally supposed to be before you got grace, A lifeless, soulless, miserable, empty shell of a person, a rather harsh way to put it but that's the truth, right now she doesn't even have the will to live or die... she's nothing."

He looked into her lifeless eye which was still open, touched her face and healed her injuries.

"Riven, please take her somewhere to get some rest, she's had a long day."

Riven nodded and took her away.

"Now time for our next "guest"

I'd like to present...William Aaron from Elyria Ohio, he's currently 14 years of age, His Hair colour:Blonde, his Eyes:green, Height:163cm.

"He has also gone through certain events that warrant him receiving grace, he was a spoilt kid from a rich family 'He could have had anything and everything he could ever ask for, why would he receive grace?' "It turns out that William here was here was starved for parental love, with only his servants catering to his whims he barely got any chance to be with is father and mother, If he got first place in academics his dad would look at him coldly and shrove it off as unimportant, he would beg his dad to take time off work but he gets scolded if he did, his mother was barely around spending most of her time out in the town, spending her husband's money, while neglecting her only son, this caused a bit of emotional distress to the boy, at the age of 13 he would bring girls home to get his father's attention, ask for ridiculous things, broke plates, abused his helpers and even tried to kill one,but his parents were still distant, with nothing else to lose, he planned one day when both his parent's were present he'll burn down the house with all of them in it, the day came his mom came home drunk, his father need to get some papers that's when he set the plan in action, prior before this day he had been pouring fuel all over their mansion, and waited for the best opportunity to finally let him and his family go out in a poof of smoke, he set the house ablaze, everyone in the house was trapped, he locked all the doors and hid the keys, his dad and his mom were desperately trying to get out, he watched in the corner as he finally felt relieved about him able to see his parents one last time and dying together as a family, he passed out, later his dad was able to burst through the burnt door, he looked at the room, what should he save?

His important work documents or his family?

After a few seconds of consideration, he picked up his son, went through the fire holding his son in his hands, and he ran downstairs as fast as he could carrying his now awakened son.

William: "W-what are you doing?!"

His father: Tch, too much smoke here I don't know if it's safe, I need to find another path.

William:Dad please put me down and let's go back to the room and die together, it's the best thing for us.

His father:Are you out of your mind? why would that be the best thing for us?

William: Since this family is a fake I decided that we should all go out together, no one would cry at our funerals, and it would bring us closer together in heaven!

His father: My God.

William: Don't give me that face, you old bastard! You did this! if you had just been a real father to me now this would never happen! Before you choose to save me, you were thinking of work first! Why should I continue living the rest of my life being second place to a Piece of paper?

He started crying.

William:This your fault dad, now this is the reward you sowed, let go of me I'm going back to die next to mom.

His father slapped him.

William's Dad: Who do you think those pieces of paper were for? It was for you, William! You!

I wanted to make sure that when I was gone you'd have something to live your life with, so you'd never lack water.

William: Don't give me that! If you really wanted me to be happy, you could have played catch with me, I don't want your money...I just wanted a dad, Is that so much to ask?! Now we're here what are we going to do?...I'll tell you what dad, all that's left... is for us to die, and I'm okay with it.

They finally reached the front door but a column fell a d nearly landed on William his dad pushed him outside and the column fell on him.

William: Dad? Dad! Why would you do that...

William's dad gave a sombre smile and said:

"I'm sorry"

The building collapsed and fell on him.

William: Dad!! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No!

We are supposed to die together, why would you leave me Again?! why dad! WHY!


The whole house was in flames, he knelt and realized what he had done.

William:This wasn't to happen...what did do, water, maybe I can it out with water but where can I find some?

He found a faucet and carried water in his hands to throw at the fire but his efforts were to no avail, he knelt staring at his house burn...then a faint glow of light passed him while he was mumbling:I wish I could control more water, I wish I could take this all back"

Unfortunately, his first wish was final.

He had the power to create water but at this point, it was too late, his staff, his family...all dead."

[Back to the present]

"To think all this happened last year, is truly tragic, even with the grace broken-soul restoration features it couldn't help him, he's forever a broken human"

"He won't even fight back at this point, but that doesn't reduce the amount of pain the grace removal is going to give him, so I'll make this as gentle as possible"

Enoch's hand phased through his chest to grab the grace in his soul but William didn't scream or shout, he was just looking up to the sky without uttering a single pip.

To be continued...