I see you...


"Hm? It appears that he wasn't in pain after the grace removal, I guess I knew the reason but I didn't expect it to be true, If you're wondering why he didn't scream it's because he wasn't attached to his grace and his grace didn't mend his soul that's why it was easily removed. Take for example the soul is a vase filled with water and grace is something like super glue, if that vase is mildly broken the super glue can be used to piece it back together and make it stronger and water can stay in...but, if the vase is shattered beyond reason it'll be near impossible to align the pieces together again and even if it could water would still leak out and said vase would succumb to the slightest impact."

"In other words, his grace didn't fully glue his soul back together and he had no attachment to his grace either so it was easily removable, a pity indeed."Dr Enoch.

"Well enough of that time for our next 'guest' "

"We have Tyler from..."


[Meanwhile back at HQ]

"Phew, I'm beat," Kelvin said and rested on the sofa

Jane sat next to him.

"How was the event?"Jane said.

"I didn't stay through, I just did my job and scoped out the building, it was pretty classy, I bet victor stuck out like a sour thumb, hehe" Kelvin.

"We better hope he didn't, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to him"Jane

"What of your best friend Anna now you're all over Victor, heh"

"I can count on her she's more responsible than Victor, hehe, even though I haven't known him much he seems pretty irresponsible, I don't mean that in a bad way though It's good to be carefree now and then"Jane

"Ohh, so you like our recruit? Teehee"Kelvin

Her face turned red.

"Of course not! Who falls for someone a week after they met?!"Jane

"Hehe, you seem pretty defensive about it so I'll drop it"

"I'm serious, I don't see him that way he's cute and funny and all but I prefer being friends" Jane replied.

"Tch, what do you like about him apart from being 'funny and cute ?"

"His eyes are pretty"

"You mean that green glow in his eyes when he uses his powers?"

"No, no, no, not that, I mean his regular eyes, did you notice he has heterochromia?"

"He does? I've never noticed."

"When we were in the pool together, I looked at him closely, his eyes were two colours, one was light brown and the other was dark brown"

"Aren't they the same thing?"Kelvin

"Well, in general, their all brown but I like the difference, if he acted more serious you'd almost think he mysterious" She giggled

"Not like you had a chance anyway" Kelvin muttered.

"Did you say something?"Jane.

Kelvin got up to stretch.

"Nope, nothing at all"

He walked away.

POV Kelvin's.

What were they doing in their room?

Anna, dancing with him?

Do they know each other? Or did she fall for him?

Wait, this is anna I'm talking about there must be a reason for it, right?

That must be the case.

But... even if there was a reason, she looked a bit too happy being that close to him.

I couldn't hear what she whispered in his ear but it looked suspicious.

Maybe I'll ask her what that was later when they get back.

Please, Anna, don't fall him...I-I love you.

I'd better go back to my room and take a shower, I'm not thinking straight.

[10 minutes later]

Phew, I'm done that really hit the spot, now I'd better go give my report to Alice.

I wonder where she is now?

I'll just go to Ignatius' office maybe she'll be there.

Hmm...should I take the elevator or stairs, Nah, stairs I can speed through it.

[1 Second later]s

...and I'm here.

"Hey Alice, I'm back sorry for not coming here directly," Kelvin said.

"Did you give Anna the escape routes plan?"

"Yes, I did"

"Give me your report"Alice

He gave her his report.

"Thanks, Kelvi you can go now"

"It's Kelvin, hehe, you keep calling me that I feel like a kid"

"Well in my eyes your still a kid, hehe"

'Sigh' "Whatever you say, Alice"

"Wait, Kelvin"


He was walking through the door until she called him back.

"Was there anything you noticed in that hotel that seemed off? Even if it was with Anna or Victor?"


Why's she asking about this?

Oh! Maybe it's to ensure their safety.

But I should probably hold on to that intimate scene of Victor and Anna until I make sure.

"No, there was nothing unusual," I said.

"Oh, very well then, have fun with the rest of your day, Kelvin, "She said while waving.

"Yeah, yeah, I will, you too."

I shut the door behind me.


[Back to the event]

"Ahhh" Tyler screamed as his grace was being pulled out.

He fell and passed out

"And this is the last one, so now the grace in my possession is the grace of fire, water and wind"

"Those who wish to possess any of these, I start the bid at 20 million dollars"

A bunch of the men started yelling out their prices

"I'll pay 25 million for the fire!"Man #34

"I'll pay 29 million for the water!" Woman #37

"Oh wait how careless of me, I forgot to reveal our grand "Guest" whose power might be better than these, "Dr Enoch.

"You have one more?" Man #11

"Two more actually but you mightn't like her powers"

"Well introduce them to us."Man #11

"Well... if you insist, " Dr Enoch smirked.

"State of origin:Benin, Nigeria, Age: 17, Hair colour: Black, he has a condition called heterochromia so his right eye's colour is light brown and his left is dark, Height:177 cm, I present to you all...."

A spotlight was faced at Victor's and Anna's Table

"....Victor Edeosa"

"Aw, crap!"Victor