Ivy's Ruminations: First defeat.

Chapter 6

"You hate me? I get hating my folks but why me? And be honest" Ivy.

"If I say anymore, I'll be worried about my position in this household so, I'll refrain from crossing that boundary" Kenneth.

"You've already said you hated me and now you worry about your position? Don't make me laugh, say what you want to say or your position will be in jeopardy," Ivy.

"Speaking to my boss's daughter, and second Lady of the house like that is all step out of line, I would like to apologize for even saying anything, I would also like to apologize if it upset you," Kenneth bowed his head to apologize.

"Upset me? I'm not so high and mighty that I'd get mad at what hopeless staff has to say, I want to hear your reason why you hate me, "Ivy.

Kenneth kept silent.

"Why...? Why do you want to know so badly?" Kenneth.

"Not as bad as you'd think, but I'd like to know, everyone's got a reason to hate someone, right? I want to know why you're hostile toward me," Ivy.

"I would not want to become your enemy...not now, "Ivy.

"Oh please, if you've lived in this house long enough and walked with me to school, you'd realized I have enemies everywhere, from people jealous about me being better than them, to people who are pained that I beat them at their own game, to people who just plain hate me, you hating me doesn't add or remove anything from my value, the weak always have a reason to hate the strong, "Ivy.

Kenneth looked irritated after she said that.

"So tell me, my 1000th loser, tell me what makes you hate me, "She said.

Ivy has barely shown emotions for years but for some reason now, she began to smirk as she was belittling him.

"You...! You have the worse personality I've ever seen, you're all too perfect, everyone in this house worships you like you're some kind of God sent down to earth, you're just a sad ingrate perching off Daddy's money, you don't have to worry about anything, nothing at all but you act like that's a burden! Mr. Lanceil can't raise a child right, Mrs. Sasha doesn't know the first thing about motherhood, your family is so divided that even adopted families with more ties than yours!"Kenneth.

Ivy tried hit him with her wooden sword but he blocked it with his.

"So you can talk, huh? you're not so hopeless after all, I longed for a conversation, " Ivy.

"Even after insulting your family, you don't even have a shred of anger!" Kenneth.

He swung his sword at her and she blocked it with hers.

"Why should I be angry? I didn't hear any lies in what you said, apart from the "I was an ingrate perching off Daddy's money" that part is subjective to you, " Ivy.

"I've never seen you smile since I was in this house, I've seen you say thank you in a grateful voice, all you do is stare blankly at anything handed to you, you don't have to work for it!" Kenneth.

"Your frustrations aren't completely directed at me, are they? These stem from somewhere else and I'm the one you want to take it out on, "Ivy.

"Fight me, Kenneth, let out that steam you're bottling inside, I'll make it worse" Ivy.

Kenneth took in a deep breath and released it, he calmed down.

"I'm not fighting you, Miss Ivy," Kenneth.

"Letting out frustrations on others is more relieving than you'd think, "Ivy.

"No it's not, and why should I use you to release my frustrations, you would never understand, " Kenneth withdrew his sword and put on his shirt.

"You leaving already? I was starting to have fun for once, "Ivy.

" My most sincere apologies for all I've said here today, please continue to let me work at this mansion," Kenneth bowed his head.

"...No..." Ivy said while smirking.

Kenneth was stunned by her response but wasn't in too much shock as he expected this outcome prior.

"Thank you for letting me work here, good day," Kenneth raised his head and was about to leave.

"Now that you don't have a job anymore, would you like one?"

"I... don't understand" Kenneth.

"I'm looking for a bodyguard to protect me, "Ivy.

"Why would you need a bodyguard, even if you did, you have numerous others in your house"

"I'd like to pick one that is strong and not just looks strong"

"Well, how do I meet that criterion?"Kenneth

"Fight me," Ivy

"Again, I cannot fight the Lady of the house, "Ivy.

"You just tried to stab me with a wooden sword not too long ago, where was this chivalry then?"Ivy.

He kept silent. Ivy walked up to him and held his face.

"I'm not your boss anymore, so fight me, " Ivy.

He couldn't understand why Ivy was this desperate for a fight.

"Fine then, I'll fight you, "Ivy.

They both spread out some distance between them.

"If one of us lands even one hit on the other, then that counts as a win, "Ivy.

"At least with this, I won't hurt you too much," Kenneth.

"Thinking you'll win? Such confidence," Ivy.


They both ran at each other and their swords crossed.

Ivy tried tripping him but he jumped and attempted to kick her, but she sidestepped and caught his leg then threw him towards a tree, he shoved his sword into the ground to avoid crashing into the tree.

"She's physically stronger than me...or should I say the same?" Kenneth.

Ivy dashed forward and swung her sword with all her might, Kenneth dodged the attack, and Ivy's attack hit a tree and got cut in half.

Kenneth's POV:

How much strength does she possess that that's even possible?

"Why did you dodge? I thought men took shit straight up, "Ivy.

She ran at him again but was closer to the ground she aimed at his shoulder with precision, it nearly hit him if he hadn't parried it.

He then swung his sword down to hit her exposed back but she reacted on time.

"What was that saying again? "A scar on the back is a warrior's shame"? Or so the saying goes" Ivy smiled for the first time in years.

Ivy's POV

I'm smiling? But nothing happened, was it because I almost lost? The feeling of exhilaration I thought was dead is being awakened. I can't let it end like this...one more time.


"Let's start over, one last time," Ivy.

"As you wish, Miss Ivy...but this time, I'm not holding back..."Kenneth.

"I can't wait..." Ivy.

They put distance between themselves again and ran at each other...but this time, before Ivy could swing her sword Kenneth was already in front of her he swung his sword at her stomach and she landed on the floor.

For the first time in her life...

"I...lost...?" Ivy.