Sacrifices for a friend

Chapter 40.

"Keep driving we'ree almost at the abandoned train station, once we get there we might have a chance to save Victor's life, "Anna.

"We're just a few blocks away we can make it, " Briggs

"You hear that Victor? You're gonna--Gah!" Anna.

A fireball hit behind the car causing it to flip and land back on it's wheels.

"Argh!" Victor groaned.

"There still on our tail?! I'd thought you got rid of them!" Briggs.

"I did, but it looks like one survived the drop and he's the one I wish didn't, " Anna.

Role flew at them his flames bursting out of him at full power, his face filled with rage against Anna. He used his flames to catch up with them, his fire engulfed everything it passed, People, Buildings, Cars, Everything.

"Anna! Burn with my rage!" Role.

He shot a shot flames into the sky.

"What's he doing?!" Anna.

"Woah!" Briggs drifted to the left.

His flames came down like meteor shower, Briggs did his best to avoid them but the roof of the car got hit, it caught on fire.

"Anna, pull off the roof from the back I'll do it from the front, " Briggs.

Briggs ripped through the car's metal roof and Anna tore it from the back.

Anna took the flaming roof and flung it at Role.

Role caught it then melted it.

He then shot another shower at them.

"We got the roof off but if he keeps sending those showers at us we're through, " Anna

"I know that! We have to keep dodging, and there's no place for me to help, I have to drive so we can get away. If I had sat at the back, I could have defended us but you can't drive in your condition, and Victor's Used his [Time lag] 9 times already, that's way past his limits, there's nothing we can do but keep driving and hope he tires himself out," Briggs

"....He's using energy that's why he isn't spamming his ability willy-nilly, if we can get him to use more while he's recovering then maybe we can escape" Anna.

" "Use more"? We can barely escape the attacks he's throwing at us and you want us to get him to use more?" Briggs.

"You're right, all we can do now is keep driving, "

Role threw a huge fireball far ahead of them and shot one straight at the car at the same time.

"Crap, we talked too much, we didn't notice him!" Briggs.

"That bastard! He shot one ahead of us to destroy the road and shot one behind us so when we stop it'll kill us, " Anna.

"I can see that, why'd he think of a strategy now?! We were so close to the station! " Briggs.

Anna solemnly looked down on Victor who was on her lap.

"If that attack lands on the ground it'll all be over, huh?" "Humph," She smiled "At least before it all ends would you mind if I kiss you?" Anna muttered to herself.

" the fireball?" Victor spoke weakly.

"You're awake?!" Anna said flustered "Uh... by my guess It's about a 200 meters away, there's no way for us to pass that attack before it hits the ground, or a way to escape the one tailing us, "Anna.

"Two... hundred, huh?"Victor said "Heh. Close enough, " Victor muttered.

" "Close Enough"? Wait, what you're not gonna...?!" Anna.

Five seconds before that ball hits the ground and they were 150 meters away from it.

Victor took a deep breath and made a long sigh.

" [Massive time lag!] Followed by [Time Containment!]" Victor yelled.


Victor slowed down time all around their surroundings allowing just the vehicle and the people in it to move freely.

"Noo! Why would you do both!"Anna yelled then tears started streaming from her eyes.

Victor was bleeding from his eye.

"I... would do anything for you" Victor muttered.

"What are you saying?" Anna started crying "I thought you hated me?" Anna.

"Why... would I?" Victor.

Anna's POV

He... doesn't remember? What happened to him?

"I'm using ... my Time lag... to help, you get past that attack that's about to destroy the road, perception is slower now so I had to use time containment on both attacks, " Victor's voice sounded even fainter.

"Briggs...?" Victor.

"Yeah?" Briggs.

"Get her home safely, okay?" Victor.

"Sure. You can count on it, "Briggs.

They drove past the first fireball and outpaced the second thanks to Victor, But his Massive time lag lasts only 2 minutes.

His [Time containment] grew weaker and weaker until he finally released.

The furthest attack destroyed a large portion of the road, but the second kept going, It was like it was locked onto Anna.

"Crap after all Victor did it's still headed this way"

Moment till impact 10 seconds. Time remaining to get to the station's entrance 20 seconds.

They weren't going to make it.

The ball grew closer and closer, Role who was somewhat far away saw that his attack was about to connect, he flew up and decided to watch the explosion from above.

Role saw the ball connect with the car and watched as the flames engulfed the car and half the city block.

"Good riddance, " Role.

He didn't smile, he just spat then flew away.

Is this it? Did he kill, Briggs, Anna and Victor?









*Cough-Cough* "I...think I've done all I can do...what happens next is up to you, Briggs" Victor.

"No, No, No,No! you can't die now! I won't let you!" Anna.

"You had to use you ability again... save to save us" Briggs.


[Back in the car]

"We're almost there, C'mon, drive faster!" Anna.

"The car's at it's limit, I can't go any further!"

The tires burst due to too much heat, They drifted but Briggs was trying to gain control, But the car key drifting left and right.

"Crap we're gonna crash!" Briggs.

The fire ball hit the back of the car.

"One last time then, Time lag!" Victor.

Briggs jumped out of the car while carrying Victor and Anna in his arm, he went down the stairs, then a minute was up, the explosive waves caused him to fall down to the floor but Briggs landed first to break their fall.

"It hurts!" Victor.

All this was within a minute of Victor's time lag since the time difference is different for those not in contact with Victor, they won't see anything, that's why role thought he had killed them everything happened so fast he couldn't see a thing.

That was their saving grace.


"Well none of that matters we can quickly go to Alice to fix him up before he croaks, thanks for staying alive Victor" Anna smiled.

"Sure...but why's here so dark?" Victor.

They both looked in shock.

"Uh... Victor, t-there are lights everywhere, " Anna stammered.

"His eye, It's dim, " Briggs

"How many fingers am I holding up?!" Anna

"I... can't...see it, it's too dark" Victor.

"We have to get him back now! Briggs carry him!" Anna.

They carried him through out the tunnel looking for a "warp zone" back to HQ.

They put him down next to a wall and started searching for it.

Victor's POV

I'm sorry sis looks like I can't hold on to life any longer.

Huh? I'm crying? But I did a good job didn't I? I should feel happy, right?

I guess I'm sad I couldn't hold up to my promise, but I'm sure she would understand right?

I can't see anything but I can hear them looking for a way out, which means their safe.

Heh, now I can sleep peacefully without worrying about them.

Victor's breath slowed down.

I can at see them... I can see Mom

"Victor, We found the Zone wake up let's go" Anna said.

"Victor?.....VICTOR?!! Briggs come here quick!" Anna yelled.

"What happened?!" Briggs.

"He....He's...dead, " Anna scrambled for words.

"That, can't be! Move, let me check him" Briggs.

Briggs put his head on his chest...there was no beat, It was silent.

Victor's heart was still.

Anna went to his body and touched his hand.

"It's...already cold?" Anna.

She cried on his shoulder.

"Why did you have to die instead of me, " Anna muttered.

Briggs angry at his self punched the wall.

"Anna... there's nothing more we can do, let's just take him back"

She didn't reply, she just stood up and carried Victor on her back.

"Anna, you have a hole in you're stomach and lost a lot of blood maybe I should carry him?"

Anna didn't listen she just kept walking straight.

"She must be devastated and I wasn't helping the matter" Briggs muttered.

"I'm sorry for asking Let's go, " Briggs

Anna and Briggs walked into the wall then warped away...