Catch us if you can.

Chapter 39

Another fire blast hits the car.

"Woah!" Briggs struggled to gain control again as the car kept swerving.

"Shit! I can't fight and drive at the same time!" Briggs

Briggs POV

Should I stop the car, deal with them then leave?

No, they're 3 of them and I'm sure one would act as a distraction and get in the way... Crap and Victor and Anna are both mortally injured.

"Briggs... Keep driving I'll handle them" Anna.

"You have a hole in your stomach, you'll die if you try anything reckless!" Briggs.

"I have something to atone for, and if I can keep you both safe then I'll have half atoned for it" Anna

" "Atone"? What is she talking about?" Anna you've lost too much blood, seat down I'll get us out of this" Briggs.

Anna went outside through the window and stood on the boot.

"Briggs, Open it!" Anna.

"You better know what you're doing!"

He opened the trunk she took out a fire extinguisher.

Rolf, Roby, and Role, the names of the three brothers chasing Victor.

They were being carried by Roby, the one with the Grace of wind, and the one who shot the fire blasts at them was Role.

Anna used the extinguisher to extinguish the flames shot by Role.

She threw screwdrivers and other things she found in the trunk at them to stop them from firing.

Role got fed up with her and accidentally threw a huge fireball at the car.

"Noo, if that hit..." Briggs.

Anna smiled softly and was about to open the fire extinguisher to take out both the flames and herself. 10 Seconds before it hit them...

"Time lag!"

Everywhere got slow apart from the Car they were in.

They outdrove the fireball.

"Huh? What just happened?" Anna.

She turned back and peeped into the car to see Victor with one of his eyes open glowing green.

" I'll save all of us, " Victor strained to say.

Anna quickly got in and Victor's time lag dispels.

"What just happened?!" Role.

"It looks like the one we were sent to capture is awake" Rolf.

"Let's get 'em" Roby.

Briggs stepped on the gas the car accelerated even faster.

They let throwing attack after attack and Victor used his time containment on the ones he could but used Time lag on the unavoidably big ones.

"Victor, stop you've already done enough, you've used your time lag, 8 times today, that alone should cause you an unimaginably painful migraine and then blindness, " Anna.

Anna's POV

Wait, he knows about me now, why did he save me?

*Cough-Cough* "I', I... promised...I wouldn't...die, " Victor.

Victor was barely conscious at this point what was keeping him going was his will not to die, the promise he made to his sister.

Anna lifted his head and put it on her lap.

"At least let me erase the memory of this pain so you can keep going, " Anna smiles

Anna's POV

I can feel his chest, He has 9 broken ribs, a crushed eye, and a detached arm and he's still fighting.

Briggs swerved to dodge an attack.

"Argh!!!" Victor groaned.

"Sorry!" Briggs.

"Hey... Briggs, I'm only going to be able to say these things once so please listen, I've seen a way to avoid these guys"

"No! You can't use any more of you're powers, you'll..." Briggs.

"Heh. Chances of me making are already low, you two still have a chance to get out of this and I'll make that chance happen with these eyes, "

"Damnit, I'm such a useless leader" Briggs.

"Heh. Remember, I can only say it once per turn"

"Go left!"

Briggs turned left and a huge blast landed the moment he turned.

Victor was telling him the best route to follow so he can Dodge the on slots and also keep himself alive long enough to escape this, Using his foresight.

"Turn Right!"

He turned.

A huge gust of wind destroyed the road.

"You're almost reaching the upper west side, "Victor.

"Now I know we're were going, you want to lose them in an abandoned subway station, I can't believe I forgot the routes to escape"

"Re...member, I...was you're failsafe, "Victor's voice became even fainter.

A gush of water filled the road the streets were flooded with about 3 feet of water.

This made it difficult to drive.

He made a water spout prison to lock all exits.

Due to the bumpiness, Victor fell to the floor of the car and hit his chest on the floor.

"Argghhh!!" He screamed.

Anna looked at him in shock, clenched her teeth then glared at Rolf.

Briggs came out of the car.

"You guys have really made me angry!"

"What are you gonna do about it? Cry?"Role.

His brothers laughed.

Briggs ran at them but they flew high they went so high then shot blasts at him from above, He dodged them and ran back to the car.

"Anna, you're up, hope you're planning works" Briggs.

"Don't worry...It will" Anna.

She had a Bloodlusted glare on her face.

"She looks mad, HAHAHA!" Roby.

Anna looked at Roby straight in the eyes, the wind he used to carry his brothers dispersed, and they all fell twenty feet down.

What did Anna do?

Anna's Grace is memory alterations, When she looked into the eyes of Rolf she erased every single memory he had up until the part he was a baby, leaving him a mindless man, which broke the wind the brothers were using to stay afloat.

A fearsome ability indeed.

Anna looked down at all of the, did a little scoff then went back to the car.

"Anna, I… didn't know you've practiced your ability to that point, " Briggs.

"I didn't want to use that either, but they forced my hand, " Anna.

Victor was breathing faintly Anna put Victor back on her lap, then Briggs drove off.

Briggs POV

What happened between these two that she suddenly changed?

Helping a friend is one thing but getting that angry and putting your life on the line for someone you haven't even said hello to is another.

I'll just put this off for later.








"H-huh? I'm alive?! Wake up Rolf, Roby, Let's get those guys!" Role.

"Rolf?...Rody?... Why aren't you responding?!" Role

"Wake up! Wake up!" Role put his head on their Chest...but there were no heartbeats.

Role starts to hyperventilate, his only two family in this world were corpses.

"No, No, No, No, No!" He started crying

His brothers broke his fall but died from the impact.

"She killed you both....I swear even if I have to kill Victor to get to her I will avenge you both, Ahhhh!!"

A new thirst for revenge arises.