Ivy's Ruminations...

Chapter 5

[16 years ago]

In a mansion, in the ballroom, there's a party being held in the honor of Ivy, the place was coated in decorations, bright lights illuminating the hall, a chandelier hung in the ceiling to create atmosphere, lots of good at the buffet, they're finely dressed people sipping wine, talking and laughing, Ivy's parents could be seen talking with others, and yet not a single person her age could be found here.

Ivy's dad, Mr. Lanceil, walked up to the center and clicked his wine glass with a spoon to get everyone's attention.

"I welcome all to my daughter's Eighteenth birthday, I'm so glad you all could make it,"

The crowd clapped.

"And here comes my beautiful daughter, Ivy Lanceil," Mr. Lance.

The crowd's attention turned to the top of the stairs and Ivy's mother, Mrs. Sasha Lanceil, walked Ivy out.

The crowd looked in awe at Ivy's beauty, fair skin, calm composure, and a lovely red dress that showed off her arms, with Ruby earrings and necklaces.

She was truly the most beautiful girl at the ball.

Mr. Lanceil walked up to her and gently took her by the hand and walked her down the stairs.

"Today, March 17th is a joyous day for me, as it marks my daughter turning 18 years old, It almost feels like yesterday she was still in elementary school and now she's going to college, I will miss her so," Mr. Lanceil.

"So today, I let each of us have a turn to dance with her to get to know her better and say goodbye before she goes off next week. And since this is her party, we'll do whatever she wants, do we all agree?" Mr. Lanceil said then laughed.

The crowd laughed.

For the next three hours, Ivy danced with both the men and women that came, though she was the one going from one partner to another, she didn't look tired at all, she didn't even sweat nor sit for rest, she just danced and made them everyone else enjoy the party...but she didn't.

The party later concluded, and the staff was cleaning up...

"How was the party sweetheart, I hope it was to your liking?" Mr. Lanceil.

Ivy glared at her dad.

"Was it something I did?" Mr. Lanceil.

Ivy didn't say a word and just went to her room.

She took a shower and then went to lie on her queen-sized bed.

"Every day this doesn't get any comfier," Ivy took up a book and started reading it.

"Even this is boring... is this mediocrity going to be with me till I die? Going to school is boring, staying at home is boring, I don't even have anyone to share this annoyance with, and my father is planning on showcasing me to a bunch of people I don't know so I can get married to some random rich guy and live "happily ever after" with a nameless prince charming...and my mother is no good either, all she does is do whatever my dad says, no will of her own *Sigh* same with the rest of the staff in this house" Ivy.


"What now?" Ivy

She heard a knock on her door.

Ivy's POV:

It's probably my dad here to buy my forgiveness again... whatever fancy expensive crap he has I don't want it, but then I can't be rude now can I?

"Come in," Ivy said while scanning through her book.

It was one of the younger staff, he was about the same age as Ivy, he was a tall young man with short dark hair, dark brown eyes, with a bland expression on his face.

"Good evening, Miss Ivy"

"Oh, it's you, what do you want?"Ivy.

"You dropped this by accident, and I came to return it, "He said.

He opened his hand and she saw her ruby earring, the earring that fell off when she left.

"Did someone ask you to do this or you did do it on your own?" Ivy.

"I did it on my own. If that offended you, Miss Ivy, I apologize," He said.

"I'm not offended..."Ivy.

Ivy's POV

Another nameless staff... he feels weird, I don't know but I think I'm feeling hostility from him?

She stood up from her bed and walked over to him.

"You didn't need to get up, I would have brought it over to you, Miss Ivy," He said.

"Drop the "Miss" and just call me Ivy, I can't stand you saying "Miss"," Ivy.

She touched his arm.


Sturdier than he looks.

"I... cannot do that, you are the Lady of this house, and addressing you informally would be disrespectful."

"...What would you rather call me other than Miss?" Ivy.

" Lady Ivy, "He said.

"Somehow that sounds even worse.

Let's go with this, call me Ivy when we're alone and Miss Ivy in front of others, understand?" Ivy.

" Alone...?"

"I find you Interesting enough to talk to, so I'll be talking to you from now on, do you understand?"

He hesitated.


Ivy stretched out her hand.

"Give it here," Ivy.

He carefully dropped the earring on her palm and was about to leave.

"Wait," Ivy

"Do you need anything else, Miss Ivy, er, I mean, Ivy?"

"What's your name?" She asked.

"It's Kenneth," He said, trying to avoid eye contact with her, "Do you need anything else, ma'am?"

"Don't call me ma'am either, and no, I don't, you may leave, " Ivy said then went to lay back on her bed.

He left.

"Kenneth, huh? What is your plan exactly?" Ivy mumbled then went to sleep.

The next morning.

Ivy woke up took a shower then headed to the dining room to eat her breakfast.

"This place is always so big I can't get used to it," Ivy sat on one of the many chairs in the dining room, "You there," She called one of the staff.

"Yes, ma'am?" The maid answered.

"Where are they this time?"Ivy

"Your father said he's going on a business trip but he'll be back a day before you leave for college and your mother went on a trip to Dubai, she also said that she'll be back a day before your departure," The maid said.

"As usual, I eat breakfast alone, my parents are away on some useless trip and I've here left alone with a bunch of strangers, you can go thank you, "Ivy sent her away.

She picked a few things from the wide breakfast spread, ranging from fruits to cereals to pastries, she took some fruit and cereals and then left and went back to her room.


I don't mind eating breakfast alone, I've grown accustomed to it actually, but if those geezers want me to be alone let them make it clear from the start, they only treat me nice to show off to their friends saying shit like:

"My daughter is amazing"

"My daughter got first in her class throughout her entire elementary, primary, and high school without a rival,"

"My daughter learned and mastered taekwondo, kung-fu, karate, and other martial arts techniques"

"My daughter got the highest score in the state"

"My daughter is a prodigy among prodigies"

Screw that! I did all that because I didn't have anything else to do, I thought being the best would feel great but instead, I could negate the boredom within me, but those geezers kept treating me like some kind of trophy, and now after college, I don't even get a choice in the matter they're already planning on marrying me off.

Frustrating as it is, I can't bring myself to make an angry face.

I'll blow off some steam with some sword practice.

She took her wooden sword and went outside to the backyard.

"Ah, yes, outdoors, the one place I don't feel dead," Ivy.

She heard a sound coming from further within the woods of her backyard.

"Short sharp breathing...An animal, maybe? I hope it's something dangerous, I would like to try killing it, I'll let out so much steam"




She went deep into the woods and the sound started becoming clearer.

She pushed through the final Bush and saw it was Kenneth, swinging a sword at a tree with all his might.

"Hm?" Ivy.

He looked to the side and saw her, he immediately stopped.

"M-miss Ivy, what are you doing here?" Kenneth said, shocked that she discovered him.

"That doesn't concern you, but what are you doing here?"Ivy.

"I was practicing my sword skills here, did the noise disturb you, I was sure I was far away, not to cause a disturbance," Kenneth.

"Yes, you were far away, but unfortunately for you, I have really good ears, "Ivy.

"I think I should go now, I'm sorry for disturbing you," He grabbed his shirt and was about to leave but Ivy stopped him.

"Why the rush? I didn't say you should go," Ivy.

"I have matters to attend to at the mansion, I really should be going," Kenneth.

Ivy drew her sword and tried to thrust it into his stomach but he parried it with his wooden sword.

"I'm sorry, please-"

"Could you stop it with the brown-nosing already? I'm getting sick of it," Ivy said.

"I'm sorry?"

"I know that you have something to say, but you're trying hard not to, but you're also trying too hard in being the perfect staff, that's getting on my nerves a bit, just come and tell me, don't sugarcoat it, "

Kenneth fell silent for a moment.

"Do you...really want me to tell you what I think?"

"Yes, tell me, "Ivy

"...The truth is...I hate all of you and everyone in this mansion so much...!"