Blind Date

Little Eve had her bottom lip protruded while her eyes were on her mom. Amelia tied her shoelaces into perfect bows.

Upset Eve shook her head back and forth, uncaring about the dizzy spell that followed along, and let the red beret on her head fall on the ground.

Evelyn was dressed in a red skirt matched with a shirt and on top of it was a red fancy jacket. Her blond hair was pulled into two braids. Over all, with her rosy cheeks that were puffed, she resembled a porcelain doll.

"Evelyn," Amelia said warningly towards Eve who was throwing a tantrum in her opinion before picking up the beret and placing it down on her head.

Stomping her feet on the floor, Evelyn accusingly exclaimed, "Mom, you are going on a blind date!"

Amelia sighed.

"I already told you that we are going there today to make a new friend and eat delicious food. Don't you like that? And what do you even know of blind date?" Amelia pinched the bridge of her nose lightly.

This made Evelyn scrunch up her nose.

Exasperated, Eve spoke out, "I know all there is to know about it. You don't make friends at blind date; you make husbands."

Evelyn placed her hand on her waist.

Amusement crossed through Amelia's eyes.

"Who taught you all that?"

Knitting her eyebrows tightly, Evelyn said, "Is that the issue here? The problem in hand is that you can't find a new husband. Absolutely not. To make it worse, that person will be my father. How ridiculous! This is impossible!"

Arching her eyebrows, Amelia pointed out, "Weren't you asking for a father the other day? This would solve the issue."

"That, I want my father, not a new father," she argued.

Listening to this made Amelia pause for a second. Evelyn's father— with each day, Amelia felt the regret growing on how she couldn't introduce her little girl to her father.

She could give her daughter all, but that wouldn't still fill the gap left behind by the lack of a father.

About the blind date, the only reason she planned to attend it was because of calming Mrs. Baker down. The woman had been up in her business recently due to this.

Mrs. Baker had been nothing but kind to her and only asked to attend once, just to see if she liked her neighbor's nephew. The matter would be put to rest if Amelia wasn't satisfied.

Being bad at refusing and not wanting to offend the woman on top of that, she decided to squeeze in this blind date in her already busy schedule. Amelia would have a meal and make her intentions clear to the persistent nephew.

She planned to end it in less than an hour, considering it to be a waste of her time.

But Evelyn here was adamant on not turning up to the date. From morning to now, she created troubles, making Amelia lose her patience few times. As a result, they were already late.

Seeing how her mother's expression fell, Evelyn realized she had said wrong. Regretting instantly, she sighed and complied, "Fine, mom. Let's go."

It's okay. She can ruin the blind date later on. Bunch of ideas already formed in her hand to do that.

Amelia gave Evelyn a weak smile at it and kissed on her forehead before saying, "Good girl."


Evelyn's eyes twinkled due to amazement as she took in the view of the interior. It was spacious and had a high ceiling. The grey marble floor sparkled. There was a refreshing floral and citrusy scent in the air. The air-conditioning made her almost shudder.

The atmosphere made her feel stiff and tense. Such formal settings felt as though she was on pins and needles.

As she took her steps, she made her sure to do it gently for they sounded quite loud against her ears.

The waiter led them to a table.

On the table there was already a man waiting. Dressed in a formal suit, the big and pudgy man appeared not even a day younger than mid forty. He already had food ordered which he happily devoured.

Upon noticing their presence, the man had enough decency to put down the food in his hand and ordered, "Sit down."

Amelia nodded.

Pulling out the chair for Evelyn, she waited for her child to sit down before taking the seat opposite to the man.

"Ms. Amelia, you are very much late." His voice held a hint of disapproval.

"About that, I am sorry, Mr. Richard. The traffic got busy," Amelia voiced out.

Now, that was a lie. Evelyn's stubbornness was the reason behind Amelia turning up late.

"Since this is the first time, I am letting this slide. But let me tell you, my time is precious, and that's why, I hate people who aren't punctual. I hope to not see you repeat this again."

Amelia awkwardly nodded although there would be no next time.

"Go ahead, and order your food. Since I was hungry, I already ordered mine. You were being late after all."

Amelia's expression cracked for a second before she replied, "I will do that then."

As for Evelyn, her expression contorted, and her eyes stared at Richard in disgust. The man then went back to eating.

What type of man was this?

Not only did he have no manners, he ate in such an ugly way.

He even talked rudely!

As if she would allow a man like him to marry her mother and be her father!

Most importantly, he didn't look like her at all.