Mr. Emerald

The idea of being alone didn't sound appealing to her. Although, according to her judgement, the definition Edgar had for fun could be pretty controversial, her boredom made her agree.

She nodded her head.

"Then, let's go. I saw her go there."

Before she could ask who, her wrist was grabbed, being pulled away by the energetic boy. It felt a little strange to her.

Running in the hospital was dangerous, but carried by his momentum, that slipped away from her mind.

Seeing how he acted made her feel less intimidated on this building surrounded by the smell of disinfectants she found nauseating.

His steps came to an halt, and he pressed his small body against the wall, peeking his head out to take a look. She copied his action, tilting her body.

She noticed a beautiful woman standing, adorning pretty and elegant clothing. She stood outside of a room, hint of impatience bringing creases between both of her eyebrows, as she tapped her feet on the ground.

"Who is she?" Evelyn questioned.

Her voice made the child pull her back, pushing her against the wall. Bringing his index finger to his lips, he wore on a solemn expression.

"Shh!" he whispered. Then, he went on to generously explain, "That Vanessa, the vulture. She is extremely annoying and loud. She wants to marry Danny. As if I will let her be my aunt! It will ruin my life. That's why, we have to get rid of her."


Evelyn thought hard.

Why did the name sound so familiar?

Then, it hit her.

Wasn't that the same woman who went after her father and disrupted the relationship between her parents? It was also mentioned how she had involvement in her mom's death.

Thinking about it made her feel angered, and throwing her determined gaze at him, she gathered up her spirits.

She solemnly asked, "What do I have to do?"

He gave her a wide grin before proceeding to give her the details of his plan.

"You will try to snatch her bag, making her lower herself, and I will let Mr. Emerald sit on her head," he said.

Between both of her eyebrows, faint creases appeared as she slowly asked, "Mr. Emerald?"

"Right. You don't know Mr. Emerald. Let me show you. He is really pretty."

Then, Edgar placed his bag down. Bending down, he opened the zipper and reached out to take out a cage. Upon a better look, Evelyn noticed a ugly, dull green frog sitting inside.

When he raised the small cage, it made her jump back, disgusted and scared by the creature inside.

He proudly said, "This is Mr. Emerald. Isn't he the best?"

Looking at the child made her wonder whether or not he was mentally sick.

She was about to comment how she found it gross but then decided against it at the idea of Vanessa being the victim of it.

Evelyn gave him a small smile and nodded her head.

And then, the plan was carried out.

She walked towards the already frustrated woman. Evelyn grabbed her bag in her moment of inattention and pulled it harshly, catching her off guard.

"Hey, kid! What are you doing!? Let go!" she exclaimed.

As Evelyn dragged her feet back, trying to fight against the woman's strength, Vanessa raised her hand about to slap the little Eve when Edgar came to the rescue opening the cage.

"Go on, Mr. Emerald. Make me proud," he commented before shaking his cage and accurately targeting the green frog on top of Vanessa's perfect hairdo.

The motion and weight of the amphibian made Vanessa squeal, making her release her bag in the process. The impact made Evelyn fall back.

When raising her head, Evelyn saw Vanessa jumping around, screaming, "Get it off me! What is it!? Those evil children! When I get my hands on you— AH! WHERE IS IT GOING!?"

There was Edgar's boastful and mocking laugh in the background.

"Hop! Hop! Mr. Emerald is jealous of how well you are jumping! Are you secretly a frog too!? Frog-nessa— it has a nice ring to it."

Evelyn burst out into laughter too, this reminding her of a humorous scene from a cartoon when the character's pant lit up on fire.

The nurses stepped forward to help the frightened and panicked Vanessa. At that moment, Edgar reached out for Evelyn's hand, saying, "Come on. We need to get out from here."

Evelyn held his hand, stood up, and was about to run away when that familiar stern voice made her freeze.

"Where do you think both of you are going?"