Restraining Order

"Danny," Edgar groaned. A sigh left his mouth as he turned back.

There was Daniel standing there, staring at the children sternly and with disapproval.

This immediately got Evelyn to straighten up while she had her eyes wandering around the place, looking at anywhere but the intimidating Daniel.

"This brat!" exclaimed the enraged and mortified Vanessa, her heels clicking against the smooth tiles while she stomped towards Evelyn.

"How dare you? Let me reach you a lesson!"

She raised her hand, targeting Evelyn. This garnered an immediate reaction from Evelyn who closed her eyes and flinched.

But before the intended harsh contact could happen, Vanessa's wrist was grabbed, and a sharp, bone-chilling voice fell.

"What do you think you are doing?"

At this, Evelyn opened her eyes to see Daniel holding Vanessa back from attacking her. His eyes were glaring at her fiercely.

Putting on an aggrieved expression, Vanessa complained, "Daniel, are you defending that brat? You have seen what she did to me! Such a evil thing! How can—"

"Enough," he said, "I have told you countless times to stay away from me, to not disturb me at my work place. What are you doing at here?"

Vanessa stumbled on her words as she responded, "Daniel, I missed you. Why are you treating me like this for that brat? You know how much I love you, right? I know you are busy, but can't you spare me a little bit of your time?"

Those eyes of hers glistened with tears, showing off her desperation and agony. Seeing such a beauty cry was enough to evoke pity in one normally.

But Daniel only expressed visible disgust, letting go of her wrist and pushing her away from him.

His eyes remained cold while he stated, "Next time I see you here, I will be putting a restraining order against you."


Her words were cut off when she noticed how his gaze hardened, and this only made her bite down on her lips, lowering her gaze. She nodded slowly.

In a disheartened tone, she softly said, "I am sorry, Daniel, for disturbing you. I will just stay away. Take care of yourself."

With that, she turned her back and walked away.

Seeing how that woman was dealt with brought satisfaction into Evelyn's heart, making her look at her father in a better light. Although the woman was pretty, he stayed unmoved, being loyal to her mother.

Edgar pumped up his fist.

"As expected, Danny is the best! He showed that Vulture her place! What was she acting so proud for!?" Edgar exclaimed in a low voice.

Then, his eyes fell on the frog that started to hop away, and not wanting to lose his beloved pet, he head towards it.

"Now, where are you going?" asked Daniel.

Daniel raised his head and answered, "Mr. Emerald is getting away. Can I go get it?"

Daniel's eyes fell on the dull green frog, and the corner of his lips twitched. The pleading tone used by the child made him shake his head and resignedly say, "Go get it."


Evelyn and Edgar was brought into an office. While Edgar seemed unfazed, Evelyn shifted her weight from one feet to the other, feeling unnerved under that hardened gaze of Daniel.

"Weren't you told to stay put?" Daniel directed at Evelyn.

Lowering her gaze, Evelyn softly said, "I am sorry."

"What about you? Why were you creating trouble again?" Daniel questioned Edgar.

Pointing his finger towards Evelyn, Edgar righteously spoke out, "It's because of her. I found her crying, and that's why, I wanted to make her laugh. She said she wanted to do it."

Evelyn felt dumbfounded.

Why was he making her sound like the worse one?

Daniel frowned, staring at her, before questioning, "You were crying? Why?"

"I-I didn't cry. It's just the light. It was too bright and hurt my eyes. That's all," Evelyn lied hastily, too embarrassed to tell him the real reason.

"Be honest," he sternly said, "did you get hurt?"

She shook her head hurriedly.


"I didn't cry," she voiced out.

His eyes narrowed at her, and this made her unable to look at him.

Why was he so scary?

She couldn't even lie to him.

"What happened?"

Feeling ashamed, she trained her eyes on the floor, revealing, "I was alone there and thought you forgot about me."