On the excuse of using the washroom, Evelyn slipped out of the classroom and didn't intend to return. The teacher made them learn basic words and repeat writing the words multiple times.
For Evelyn— who was already good at it— the task was boring and redundant enough to lull her into sleep. However, in class, she couldn't doze off peacefully without her seatmate screaming into her ears.
The five year girl was too loud and doesn't get the hint even when Evelyn explicitly made it clear to let her sleep in peace. She was adamant on waking Evelyn up each time.
Evelyn had no wish to torture herself and wanted to change seats. But to her dismay, due to the fights between the children over seating, everyone had their assigned places. It didn't change until the end of term.
Evelyn yawned, covering her mouth with her hand.