Avenge Her

Staring at him blankly, she asked, "Are you a fool? Why would I be calling him dad if he wasn't my dad?"

Her tone didn't hide her hostility and derision.

Aaron was taken aback by Evelyn's rude manner, feeling her blunt ways were really familiar. 

"Shut up, brat. I am not a fool," he said before directing his gaze towards his brother and asked, "Where did you get such a big child from?"

"Get in my car. We will talk there," Daniel ordered.

Aaron huffed at his commanding tone. But the piercing stare from Daniel left him with no space for discussion. He could only walk towards the car indignantly.

Then, Daniel's eyes fell on Evelyn. Evelyn blinked her eyes, wearing an innocent smile as though all her unfriendly behavior from before was an illusion.

"Evelyn, the way you talked, you do realize it wasn't very polite. You can't call others fool or idiot, especially when they are older than you. Do you get it?" Daniel sternly educated.