Going Back

"I am being ridiculous? If you didn't come here, she wouldn't have followed you and found me here. Then, Evelyn and I would have been completely safe," she stated.

He pressed on his temple and argued, "Placing the blame on my head, you are being unreasonable. How could I have known she would harm you?"

Amelia only grew to become more frustrated and irritated, glaring at him as a result.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore."

She was about to turn her back on him and walk away when he grabbed her wrist, pulling her back. Before she could react, he placed his hands on her cheek and pressed down his lips on top of hers.

Evelyn's eyes widened.

She noticed how Edgar looked at the scene in interest, and knowing it was wrong for a child to see this, she responsibly placed her small on top of his eyes, covering his vision.