Travelling through a private jet was a novelty to little Eve. It gave the girl a clear reminder of how she belonged to a wealthy family.
Her animated blue eyes stared out of the window, staring at the fluffy clouds as the plane flew above them. She drank her strawberry smoothie meanwhile.
It was beautiful.
A wide grin sat on her face.
As the time for the jet to land arrived, the seatbelt around Evelyn was secured. While the jet's position lowered, the city took shape.
Seeing everything so tiny from above gave birth to a strange nostalgic sensation inside Evelyn. Once the plane landed, she was helped out of her seatbelt, and Evelyn jumped down from her seat.
Instead of being tired despite the hours of lack of sleep, she was only invigorated. She held the straps of her strawberry shaped bag tightly and pulled them.