Proper Reason

When Daniel entered the principal's office, his movements were slightly rushed, and the hints of concern could be seen on his expression.

The atmosphere in the principal's office was tense. The principal felt pure anxiety while he wiped the cold sweat with his handkerchief.

"Mr. Daniel, you are here." His voice was trembling.

Daniel gave a nod before looking at Evelyn.

Little Eve was seated on the couch. She had her lips pursed into a thin line. Her anger and upset mood translated on her countenance as she had her arms folded over her chest, glaring at the older woman seated opposite to her.

Miranda Wright was staring at the little girl with displeasure as well. Already she was disgruntled enough by learning her son had a daughter with Amelia, now she had to be insulted in this manner by a five year old.

Never had anyone treated her with so much disrespect. The print from the sole of Evelyn's little shoe was visible on her shoulder.