First Exam

Amelia pulled little Eve's blond hair into a loose braid, securing the end with a red ribbon. Then, she placed a minimalistic yet cute red headband on her hair.

She then placed her hand on little Eve's shoulder and smiled.

"There you go. My baby is ready for her first exam. You look like a princess," Amelia complimented her daughter.

Evelyn looked at the mirror and pressed her palms against her squishy cheeks. Impressed by how she looked, the corner of her lips curved up to form a wide grin, bringing out her shallow dimples.

"I do!" she exclaimed.

"Indeed," Daniel voiced out, stepping into the room.

Because of how busy the affairs had been recently at the hospital, he appeared drained, but after organizing everything, he managed to take off time to drive Evelyn to her school for her first day of exam.

Even though he was tired, he had a genuine smile on his face.