
Having the serious stares of her parents on her made little Eve feel quite nervous. Very rarely did her parents look at her in this manner, and this only happened when little Eve created any mischief.

With that, she started to think about everything she did over the week to figure out if she had done anything wrong as well.

These days, she started to sleep pretty well too. Although she had nightmares occasionally, they were as frequent as before, and this progress made little Eve feel proud of herself.

Slowly, she would be able to leave everything in the past as well.

"Is anything the matter?" she slowly asked.

At that, both of her parents stared at each other, wondering who would bring up the topic first. Although two of them made a lot of mental preparations for this, when the matter came to it, they couldn't help but be nervous.

"I didn't do anything wrong, right? I am sure I didn't. I have been a good girl," Evelyn added.