Meeting Abigail

When they were in high school, she met Abigail. Abigail always took great care of her.

Despite the fact that she herself was not wealthy, she tried to help her whenever Samia was in need. Samia felt that she was unworthy of her.

Abigail is an air hostess and she is on a leave for this week. So with trembling hands, Samia called Abigail. She could feel her heart beating so fast that it would come out of her chest.

As soon as the call got connected she heard Abigail say "Hey Babe we just talked 4 days ago and you already miss me. Don't worry I'll be on time tomorrow."

After hearing her she could feel her eyes getting blurry and tear threatening to come out of them. She suppressed them and asked "tomorrow?"

"Did you forget you promised me a girl's night out tomorrow? Seriously how could you forget about this." Abigail said.

Samia then remembered that they planned something like this getting drunk and then watching movies all night. She chuckled at that thought.

"Of course how can I forget about it, I just missed you," Samia said.

Sensing that something was wrong and hearing Samia's nasal voice Abigail was shocked. "You are crying? What happened? Who bullied you? I am going to kill that bastard." One has to know that her best friend doesn't cry that easily.

She has only seen her cry once. Something must have happened.

"What happened?" Abigail asked in a serious tone.

Samia thought about it and decided to tell her about Menezes.

"Are you kidding me? Why would they adopt you? I mean I am not trying to say that you don't deserve it but there's no such thing as free lunch in this world. Do they think you are so stupid that you will agree with them? What rubbish." The more she said the heavier Samia felt.

"En, Don't worry, we will talk about this tomorrow. " If she continued to talk with her she was afraid that she would cry her eyes out scaring her only friend.

Abigail still wanted to ask something but she knew she will have to wait till tomorrow.

So they both said goodbye and hung up the phone.

What she actually wanted to say was that yes I was so blind and stupid. Since when did I become so materialistic?

After living in this cruel world for so long her heart gradually became cold ignoring the warmth of the people who actually cared for her.

That day she cried her heart out, pouring out her grievances. Leaving her with swollen eyes and dark circles the next day.

The next day…

Around 4 pm Abigail arrived.

As soon as Samia opened the door she was enveloped in a bear hug. She knew who this person was so she returned the hug.

"If we are going to hug like this I am afraid that all of the ingredients for the hotpot will be damaged," Abigail said while pouting.

Samia looked down and she saw two big bags with a lot of ingredients in Abigail's hands.

Her lips twitched and all her worries vanished in thin air.

"You came prepared, don't you," Sam said.

"Of Course, we are getting together after such a long time, we should enjoy it right."

Abigail said.

"Are you sure we can finish these? It looks like something even 3-4 people can't finish." Samia said while bringing Abigail in.

"Are you saying that I eat too much? Hey! How can you say that? I am going to start dieting again after tomorrow. I have to maintain my figure for my job ok? Let me eat to my heart's content."

"Ok ok as you say," Samia said.

They tacitly didn't talk about the serious issue for now and enjoyed their hotpot to a heart's content. It was really after a long time that they spent time together.

After a few hours, they decided to watch TV together.

But their attention wasn't on the TV.

Samia was thinking about how to tell this to Abi. She knew that if she didn't tell her more details the girl won't believe that she was sad over such a matter. But she couldn't tell her about her rebirth either. It was not like she didn't trust her or that Abi won't believe her previous life was not worth mentioning.

So she said, "I had a dream a few days ago about Menezes coming and asking me for adoption and in that dream, I agreed to go with them. She vaguely told her about her previous life. How dumb she acted in her dream. Then when he came yesterday I was shocked and afraid that my dream would come true."

"Ohhh" It took a while for Abigail to understand what her friend said.

"Don't worry it's just a dream and didn't you turn him down yesterday and if he dares to come again we will beat the shit out of him. He is such a big man he won't want to lose his reputation like that right?" Abigail comforted her.

Then after thinking she became serious. Samia also thought that she is going to say something so she straightened up.

"You had a dream about it beforehand which warned you about how your life would become if you chose this path. And it happened. He came to your door. So that means you would have a dream when something is bad going to happen to you and it will tell you which path you should avoid. Do you have any kind of hidden ability which I don't know?" Abigail looked at her with shining eyes like when someone looks at their idol.

Samia's lips twitched. Is it too late to change the brain of her friend? She wanted to know how it work.

"It's not like I am going to have a dream always when something bad is going to happen. It must have been a big decision which could have made my life hell so I had these dreams."

She didn't lie though it still made her life hell.

"Let's not talk about these things anymore. I already have something else that I need to focus on the right rather than these insignificant people." Samia said.

"What?" Abigail asked what was so important that she was so stressed about it.