Going for the interview

"Finding a job of Course what else." Samia said as a matter of fact. "which I am unable to right now."Samia muttered the latter part but was still heard by Abigail.

"And why can't you find a job? You are so talented that companies should come to you to work for them."Abigail said.

"Aren't you exaggerating things now?"

"I don't think so."Abigail refuted.

"Yeah, I think Menezes is behind this. If I don't find a job I will eventually go to them."

"But why are they targeting you."

"How would I know?". Samia said while thinking that she don't want to know either.

Abigail suddenly slapped her thigh in excitement "How can I forget about this?"

"What happened Abi?' Samia asked.

"You know Felix Alberto who took over Alberto empire. My colleague Lily was telling me about him searching for a secretary. You can try and I know you would definitely get selected and the Menezes won't be able to do anything about it."Abigail said.

Alberto empire was the rival of Menezes. though they were on equal grounds she knew Alberto's were stronger than that. In the leadership of Felix, they achieved greater heights. But she didn't want to do anything with the rich.

"You know Felix is an infamous PlayBoy right." She knew it wasn't the case at all but the Alberto family is complicated. Felix's father Benett Alberto was a person who was only interested in girls. Since Felix had Godly looks girls would throw themselves at him only piquing the interest of his father.

He accepted them so that his father won't have any ideas about them only to gain a reputation as a Playboy.

He couldn't think of anything else other than that. Samia knew it was all fake because he didn't even get married in her previous life and when this reason was known to the public he didn't even have a girlfriend after that.

But she still doesn't want to try for this one.

"But I heard he never laid his eyes on his employees and he is super handsome. What if he genuinely falls for you." Abigail retorted.

"I think you can only think that he's handsome. Why don't you try for it yourself."Samia said.

"I won't be able to work then, I would just stare at him all the time. Besides I love my job as an Air hostess. Now don't deny it. you are going there and it is final."Abigail said

She had an expression on her that clearly said it is the end of the discussion.

Even though Samia doesn't want to become involved with the rich, it didn't seem like she had any other options.

So the two for

ls who planned to stay awake all night were so sleepy that they dosed off.

The? next morning, after having their breakfast Abigail rushed her to get ready for the interview.

"Why are you so slow? You'll be late." Abigail said.

"I don't even have an appointment, how I will be late then." Samia retorted. She felt Abigail was more eager for this job than her.

"You are clearly wearing this on purpose to piss me off. I will admit that you look good in everything you wear but still, wear something nice at least." Abigail was pacing back and forth while Samia changed for 5 times.

"I am just going for an interview, not on a date, this is the last time I am going to change." Samia was annoyed

"It's Felix ok." Abigail countered

"Ok ok," Samia said.

Abigail finally said yes to the white shirt and black pants. Though they were still plain and formal clothes it looked absolutely stunning on Samia.

"You look cool." Feeling that it was not enough she was going to praise her again only to be stopped by her.

"I thought I was getting late."

Abigail looked like she missed her flight.

"OMG, you took so long to choose an outfit, now quickly go, and don't forget to tell me the results. Even if you don't get the job make sure to make Mr. Felix stunned. He should not stop dreaming about you."

Samia knew if she said anymore this girl might spout more nonsense.

They bid goodbye to each other outside her apartment as Samia took leave for Alberto group and Abigail went towards her home.

Samia hailed a cab. She reached there after half an hour and went to the reception area to inquire about the interview.

It was their head office which was situated in one of the bustling parts of the city.

She went to the receptionist and said "Hello, I have heard that Mr. Felix Alberto needs a secretary, I am here to apply for that position."

The receptionist was stunned because the lady in front of her was so beautiful.

After coming to her senses she said "I will convey your message. Please submit your resume and wait in the waiting area.

Samia gave her resume and went to the waiting area guided by the receptionist.

The receptionist then called Ryan D'Cruz Felix's Assistant and told him about Samia's visit.

Ryan agreed even though Samia didn't have any prior appointments.

He thought that since they have already interviewed so many candidates it won't be a problem to meet one more. It's not like she is going to get selected anyways.

Let Ariana interview her and if she passes it. Bring her to me.

He then hung up.

Samia was then taken to the HR department where a middle-aged woman took her interview.

She was quite impressed by her. Samia was calm, had worked under pressure, and was quite suitable for the position.

Samia was taken to the highest floor, seeing the elevator going up she knew she has passed the interview and probably was going for a second round.

Assistant Ryan received her. He was quite taken aback. She was a stunning beauty. He has seen many beautiful women beside his boss but none of them were as pretty as her. In fact she could stand on equal grounds with his boss.

But whether she was capable or was just a pretty vase it would be known in a few minutes.

He took Samia to a room and casually started asking questions about what she has done and about her life trying to see whether she has some ulterior motives or not.

She answered all of his questions gracefully.

After hearing about her life he felt pity for her.

"Mr. Felix is in a meeting right now. We will contact you when he's free. You can wait here until then." After saying that he left her alone in the room.