Meeting Felix

Samia was still a little confused about what was happening.

Though she was living her life as a 23-year-old, it was still hard to believe that she had been reborn.

If she were to tell this to anyone they would surely consider her crazy right?

After contemplating for a while, with a resolute look, she thought

'I don't know till when it will last but let's just fight back whatever life throws at us this time.'

After all how many people would get a second chance at life?

When she was called again Ryan thought she looked somewhat different but he couldn't pinpoint where.

She was booming with confidence instead of being calm about the situation.

She was taken to Felix's office.

"You can go in," Ryan said.

Samia knocked on the door.

"Come in" a deep voice that could make you go weak sounded from inside.

She went in, she could see a table and sofa on the right beside the window from where you can see the bustling city. There was an attached door that led to a bedroom she guessed.

According to the rumors, he had a godly face but Samia felt that it should be considered more as seductive. Unlike Lucas Anthony whom she met in her previous life who was a cold beauty, the man before her would make even men jealous of him.

It would be a lie to say that she wasn't affected by him, but not that much like she would want to take him down.

The face was only an appearance, it is not a person's heart.

Felix raised his head when no one said anything after coming inside.

Looking at her, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

He became very cautious of her motive. Ryan just told him about her so he knew she would be good at her work. After all, she is the first lady who passes the other interviews.

So he just has to confirm her intentions.

"Please sit Miss Samia." He said. His assistant just gave him her information so he knew almost everything about her.

"I will start with the most basic question then. Why do you want this job?" Felix asked.

'To earn money of course. What kind of dumb question was that.'

She complained internally but her face was full of smiles.

"It would be my honor to work for such a big company. In the last year, it has been expanding and investing in ideas that can make a big fortune soon. The experience and knowledge which I can gain from here. I am afraid that any other company can provide the same."

Samia then told him about his recent projects and what she thinks they can achieve in the future. She wanted to show him that she is not just a pretty vase.

Felix never thought that this lady could be so insightful. It would have been fine if she would have done her work and would not cause him any trouble.

He was impressed by her vision. Now he was sure that even though she might not be very helpful but she won't cause trouble for him.

Everyone thought he was just wasting his time by doing those things but it looked like this young lady here was interesting and knowledgeable otherwise she won't praise the project that even he was doubtful of.

When Assistant Ryan told him that she was an orphan he thought that she must have wished to get this position to change her life like a Cinderella.

One can not blame him for thinking like that after all he has seen ladies scheming against him.

"Since you feel that we are going to make big in the future, you are welcome to be a part of it." Felix smiled.

Both of them shook hands enclosing the deal with the success of her getting the job.

"You can discuss other details with Ryan and he will tell you about the job details."

Felix pressed a switch on the right side of his table.

Samia guessed it must be to call someone in. and she was right.

Ryan came inside and Felix told him.

"Draft a contract for her and explain to her what she needs to do."

Ryan was dumbfounded for a while but quickly composed himself and said. "Yes Sir." He replied and escorted Samia to the same waiting she was in before.

Ryan explained to her about the work and some important information regarding the company and its employees.

You will have to go on work trips with the CEO if he asks you to.

You will have to work at any time in emergencies. You will have to tell 5 days prior to the holiday if not for an urgent situation. We'll be giving you a salary of 30k Dollars per month at the initial stage and bonuses according to your performance. You will be on a three months probation period, after which your salary will be increased as per your performance and company norms.

If you tell anyone the secrets of the company or are caught doing something harmful to the company, that would be considered a breach of contract.

In that condition, you will have to pay the compensation fee which will be 5 Million Dollars.

You can say if you are not satisfied or want to add something.

"I am fine with it. You are already giving me the best conditions already." Samia replied.

"You can think about it and come tomorrow to sign the contract if you agree to it," Ryan said.

"See you tomorrow then." Samia took her leave.

She booked a cab and headed to her apartment after leaving the company.

Samia looked at the passing sceneries outside the window in a daze.

She wasn't sure whether it was right or wrong. She just hoped that this time she could live happily.

She came back to her senses when the driver reminded her that they had reached their destination.

She thanked him and got out of the car.

She entered her apartment and just as she was about to cook something for dinner her phone rang.