
Samia looked away.

They started walking near the shore.

"Should we hold hands." Samia blurted out what she was thinking.

'What the heck I just said.' She thought to herself.

She was trying hard to come up with something when Felix held her hand.

Felix felt her soft hand against his hard ones. Her hands were warm. He felt complete. As if a hole was filled. He was content by just holding her hand.

None of them talked about their relationship yet it was clear of what they thought about each other.

"Thank you. I liked everything." Samia said. No one ever made her feel special. Even though it was simple she liked it very much, walking barefoot on the sand at night accompanied by the stars.

Felix felt he was flying in the clouds. When she told him it was her birthday, he wanted to surprise her, but there wasn't enough time. He didn't even know if they would get some time alone.

He racked his brain only to come up with this idea, to come to his favorite place. He would come to this beach whenever he would feel low. He couldn't think of any other place than this. The beach looks great at night and there was no one around.

Samia looked at their interlocked hands and thought if this man has any intention of confessing.

She could see that he was nervous. It was so obvious.

Never mind, it wasn't written anywhere that a man should confess first. She would do that, otherwise, it would take forever for him.

She looked up only to see he was already looking at her. No one said anything but they both understood each other's minds.

"Sam," Felix said first. No matter how nervous he was, he knew that he should say something about their relationship.

Samia stopped what she was going to say and looked at him.

The way he called her name gave her butterflies.

"I don't know if you think that it is too quick or I am not being sincere but I really feel this. I have seen the people in the high society and how cruel a human heart can get, making it hard for me to trust anyone. But I trust you, I don't know why. You are like bright sun lightning on my dark path. I feel content being around you." Felix paused for a while and looked her in the eyes. "I like you," Felix confessed.

Time seemed to stop at this moment. They both were staring at each other.

Samia was stunned.

She knew Felix's. Though he was polite and nice to everyone there always seems to be a barrier. No one truly knew him.

She knew a part of it might be because of his past experiences. But she was shocked about how he regarded her. She has been in that society half her life and she knows how hard it is.

And right now she could only see the sincerity in his eyes.

Felix was getting more and more nervous with each passing second.

Samia tugged at his shirt making him bend a little. She swiftly pecked his cheek.

"Did you get your answer?" Samia felt sweet. She was feeling like a young girl after receiving the confession of the man she liked.

It was a wonderful feeling knowing that the person you like also likes you back.

Felix was too stunned to speak. He felt something soft on his cheek. Before he could feel it, the sensation was gone.

He was over the moon.

They walked hand in hand under the night sky.

Samia rested her head on Felix's shoulder.

Just like that, their journey of accompanying each other for a long time started, without them knowing.

Samia asked him how he felt at the orphanage.

"It was different than I expected. Everyone is so lively there. I would love to visit them again with you." Felix said seriously.

"So Can I ask you for something?" Samia asked.

Felix looked at her and said "Sure."

"You can't reject your girlfriend, you know." Samia wanted to make sure he won't back down from his words."Promise me."

"You will have to tell me about your request first. What if it is something which I can't do." Felix was going to promise her, but knowing her she won't ask like this, afraid of him rejecting her. He saw through her trap right away.

It was so easy to predict her. He giggled at that thought.

"Forget it." She just wanted to get that box back from him. There's no way she is going to remind him about it. It would be good if he had already forgotten about it.

God, Can anyone save her from embarrassment?

"What is it that you want?" Felix insisted. He was very curious right now.

"We should go back now. It's already so late and we have to go to work tomorrow." Samia swiftly changed the topic.

"Can't I be late to my own company? We are allowed to rest sometimes. Aren't we." Felix played along. He will get to know you sooner or later.

"Of Course, you can be late, but I am just a small employee. I would be scolded for being late by the CEO." Samia retorted. Even though she has seen him scolding other employees, he never said anything to her. It's not like she made a mistake.

The only time she was late was when they had a meeting with Mr. James.

"When did I ever scold you." Felix looked at her with a wronged expression.

"Ok, You never said anything to me but can we go now? I am feeling sleepy." Samia coaxed him.

There was a lot of work to do tomorrow.

It was almost 2 am when they reached home.

Samia didn't lie when she said she was feeling sleepy. She was sleeping soundly when they reached her apartment.

Felix looked at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He quietly drove towards his house.