Ryan is Back

Samia woke up to find herself in a different yet familiar room.

She stayed in this room the last time she came to Felix's apartment.

What was she doing here this time?

She remembered sleeping in the car last night but she didn't have any recollection after that.

Samia checked herself. She was in pajamas and they were very similar to the ones Felix wears.

'Who changed my clothes last night?' Samia thought.

'Why do you have to sleep like a dead person? You can't even remember anything. Felix wouldn't have done that, would he? He doesn't seem to be that kind of person.' Samia's brain was running in all directions when she heard a knock on the door.

"Sam, Are you up?" Felix's deep voice sounded " Breakfast is ready"

'Why does he have to call me Sam so early in the morning? Is he doing this deliberately?' She wanted to ask him if he knew what he was doing.

"I will be there in 10 minutes." Samia replied."

She often stayed at Felix's apartment. Due to Ryan's absence, she was doing the duty of Felix's assistant too. So when they were late because of meeting someone or a social gathering Felix would insist her to stay at his house.

She usually carried a set of extra clothes and pajamas with her to save her from embarrassment.

She didn't think last night that she would be sleeping here.

Never mind, she will ask him later.

Fortunately, Ryan is coming soon. It was so tiring to do everything.

Samia washed up and went for breakfast. Felix was waiting for her already.

"Good morning! Seems like you slept well last night." Felix said teasingly.

"Morning." Samia didn't reply to the latter part.

"Umm… Who changed my clothes last night?" Samia asked after taking a bite of bread.

"Who do you think did that?" Felix replied with a smirk.

"I….um…" Samia was too stunned to speak.

"Can you please answer it seriously?" Samia asked.

"Don't worry, I asked a maid to do that for you," Felix replied.

Samia nodded. There was no need to ask about where the maid came from. He was Felix Alberto.

Even though she was relieved by Felix's answer, she couldn't understand why she was feeling a little disappointed.

Samia resumed eating her breakfast.

"Why you didn't get me a different set of pajamas?" Samia asked. If he wanted he could get it easily.

"Sam," Felix said looking into her eyes.


'Just stop calling me Sam. I can't think straight.' Samia said in her mind.

"You look good in my clothes." Felix continued eating as if nothing happened.

Samia choked on her food.

'Who was so nervous last night that he couldn't say a word? And now he is flirting like a pro. God, someone gives her the nervous Felix back. She couldn't handle this one' Samia scolded internally.

Felix patted her back and gave her a glass of water.

Samia looked at him with accusing eyes.

Felix smiled back.

He had an innocent expression saying ' I didn't do anything.'

She will get back at him one day for sure. Samia swore in her heart.

Felix got ready and they went to her apartment so that she could change into her clothes.

Samia looked at Ryan who was waiting for them on the top floor.

Samia became happy instantly.

She did the work of two people in the past three months with both of them having important positions. Even a single mistake would cause them great losses. She will finally be able to relax now.

She was going to hug her comrade when Felix beat her to that.

"It's so good to see you back, Ryan." Felix saw Samia was about to hug him so he quickly went forward. They just confirmed their relationship last night and he hasn't even hugged her. How can he let her hug another man in front of him?

Samia looked at him and rolled her eyes. It was just a friendly hug. Was there a need to be so jealous? He wasn't acting like a grown-up man at all. But she still like him. What can she do?

Ryan was shocked by the sudden hug.

When did Felix become like this? What happened to him? Was he so worried about him that he became so happy after seeing him for a long time?

Ryan was touched. Felix rarely showed his real emotions. He hugged him back.

Little did he know the person who he thought was worried about him was just jealous.

"How are you? Is your leg okay?" Samia asked Ryan.

"Yeah, I am completely fine now so I can resume my work," Ryan replied.

They returned to their work.

A huge burden was lifted off from Samia's shoulder after Ryan's return.

Felix came at lunch as usual.

"Sam, it's lunchtime already," Felix said while knocking at her door.

"Can you please not call me Sam in the office." If anyone heard that, god knows what they will think and say about her.

"What's wrong with calling my girlfriend by her name? Or do you want me to call you baby, honey or.."

"Ok stop" Samia interrupted him otherwise he might come up with more names.

"Please, just call me by my name in the office." Samia pleaded.

"Fine, let's go for lunch." Felix relented.

Samia tidied up her desk and picked up her bag.

Ryan came at this time to ask Samia something but found his boss standing at her door.

"Do you need something, sir?" He couldn't help but ask.

Felix turned around and said "Oh, Nothing I was just asking her out to lunch. She will forget her meal and will not take care of herself."

' I am not that workaholic. Isn't he exaggerating?" Samia complained inwardly.

Ryan was not used to this sudden change in Felix. In the morning he was worried about him, and now he is worried about Samia. He finally learned to care about his employees.

"Why don't you join us?" Samia asked, interrupting Ryan's thoughts.

"No no, you guys go ahead, I have some work I will eat in the cafeteria after that." Ryan denied it and went back to his work quickly.

It was a good opportunity to leave them alone.