You don't have to feel it's fast, if it feels right

"Can you drop me at Vik's? I am going to meet Abigail." Samia asked.

Vik's was a famous restaurant with a reasonable price.

Felix knew Abigail. Samia told him about her friend the other day." Ok."

He didn't say anything and started driving the car.

Samia was actually thinking about taking a cab. Her apartment was already in the opposite direction but he drops her off every day. And this restaurant was in a completely different direction. But she didn't say anything in case he would feel bad.

She didn't want him to feel that she didn't see his efforts.

"So you are not going to spend time with me," Felix asked.

"I won't be able to, sorry." Samia apologized.

"Don't you think you should compensate me since you have wronged me?" Felix looked at her with a pitiful expression.

She was just going for dinner. When did she wrong him?

Samia understood what he was saying after looking at his expression.

She quickly kissed him on the cheek.

"Will this do?" Samia asked with a doting smile on her face.

"Yeah." Felix nodded.

Felix had a foolish smile on his face the whole time he drove her to the Vik's.

Samia waved him goodbye and entered the restaurant.

Abigail was already waiting for her. She found a seat near a window which was also a little secluded so that they could get a little private space.

They also had private rooms but Samia liked to eat between people.

Samia was touched by her thoughtfulness.

They hugged each other.

Samia was seeing her after a long time though they talked on the phone frequently.

"You have become prettier," Abigail said, breaking the hug.

"Have you ordered?" Samia was used to her saying these things so she ignored Abigail's remarks naturally.

"Yup. So How's your work going at Alberto's." Abigail asked.

"Quite good. It has good pay and the workload is also not that much." Samia answered.

"You are flying to Paris next week?" Samia asked, remembering her conversation with Abigail last time.

Abigail mentioned when they were on a phone call that an air hostess who was assigned for this trip was injured so she was the only choice their company had.

"Yeah, And I will be flying continuously the whole week. It was my holiday. They are too cruel, not giving their employees a break." Abigail said with an aggrieved expression.

Samia laughed after hearing her. "You are having a week's holiday. You can relax yourself this week." Samia said suggestively.

"Sam," Abigail said in a low voice.

"What." Samia knew from her tone that she was going to ask something unpleasant.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"No." Samia rejected her before she could say more.

Her favors meant trouble.

"Please..." Abigail pleaded.

"No, the last time you asked for a favor, I almost ended up getting suspended." Samia reminded her.

" But they still forgive you because you were the topper. If it would have been any of us they would have punished us." Abigail retorted.

"Look, now we are not in school and I don't have any topper reputation anywhere. So I will definitely be in trouble. " Samia said.

"Sam, you said we are like sisters, you will have to help me please."

"Shoot," Samia said helplessly.

"Umm.. so.."

"Are you going to speak or not?"

"You know that I won't be home next week. And Jerry, my dog will be all alone. Even my parents are not there. So, can you please take care of Jerry?"

"No," Samia replied immediately. One may think that it was just a dog but she was really afraid of almost every animal.

She tried to befriend dogs when she was a kid but was bitten back by him instead. She never dared to get close to a dog after that. She still remembers all those injections she had to take.

"Sam please, he is so cute, he doesn't even bark, not to mention bite someone. He's so obedient." Abigail went on and on trying to make her agree.

Samia finally relented in the end.

They might be best friends but they were completely opposite in the case of animals.

When they were in high school she brought a snake with her. She wasn't even afraid of snakes. Surely she is some strange creature on this planet.

"How's your boss? Is there some progress which I don't know about?" Abigail asked. She just wanted to change the topic right now. Only god knows how hard it is to make Sam agree. She doesn't want her to go back on her word.

"Yeah, we are dating now." Samia casually dropped a bomb.

Abigail choked on her soup.

She quickly drank some water to calm herself.

"What the hell!! You are only telling me this now. Am I even your friend? How is he? Is he treating you right? Wait.. So you're telling me that you are in a relationship with Felix Alberto. So Sam is finally in a relationship for the first time. I was right all along, wasn't I?" Abigail giggled at her own thoughts.

"Woah..Woah, girl. Relax."

"How am I supposed to relax when I didn't even know such a big piece of news?" Abigail replied.

"Tell me the whole story. Fast.." Abigail insisted.

Samia had no choice but to tell her in detail about everything.

Abigail was smiling foolishly when she finished telling her.

"Gosh.. He's so nice. I never knew he was such a considerate person."

"Wait.. So you guys haven't kissed yet." Abigail exclaimed.

"We did," Samia replied.

"That doesn't count." Abigail retorted.

Samia shrugged "I think we both feel that everything is so rushed. So might as well go along like this until we are sure."

"You don't have to think it's all so fast if it feels right. You were out there saving me just after a week we got to know each other." Abigail said seriously.

Samia knew that maybe she was right. There was no need to make things complicated. But the situation is different. She doesn't know Felix completely and neither does he know her. Even though they were dating there were barriers between them.

But now she was ready to break them. She would give it a try, no matter what results she will get. It can't be worse than her previous life anyways where she got no one to accompany her.