Aggrieved Felix

Samia was checking the stocks the next morning.

The previous companies she invested in were blooming already.

What everyone didn't know was that this was just their start; some of them would grow into the country's top companies.

Samia couldn't help but smile foolishly when she thought about the money she will be getting in the near future.

She never felt this happy in her previous life.

Samia saw the news of Infotech going bankrupt in the left corner of the newspaper.

It wasn't major news. Many businesses failed on a frequent basis.

People think that it's easy but it's like a gambling den, one wrong move and you will lose everything.

After thinking for a long time, Samia finally remembered why she felt the company's name was familiar.

She read about it in her last Life that the CEO of SM Technologies, Manish Yohanan founded this company when he was young.

SM Technologies was a leading tech company in her previous life. Manish was said to be one of the best hackers in the world. He was a computer genius.

Of course, not many people knew this information.

She was one of the few people who knew about his ability.

He became famous after he launched a game which he made in his free time. The company dealt with cyber security.

He also accepted deals from the people of high society behind the scenes.

Samia frowned; it was not like some earth-shattering news that he failed, but there was something more to it.

After living in the business world for so long she had developed this instinct.

Manish was a genius. It wasn't like geniuses were indomitable but he couldn't have reached that level in a short time.

Samia looked at that piece of news thoughtfully.

She was still poisoned in this life, and that too much earlier.

It can only mean that she can't stay away from the truth if she wants to live peacefully.

The truth about why everything was happening. The truth which she ignored in her last Life. It seems like even though she got a second chance, her life would never be simple.

The only option left was to become stronger and more powerful to fight whatever force it is, and the secrets lying behind it.

Samia thought of asking Felix later. She couldn't remain a secretary anymore. But she had to talk to him first. He was her boyfriend and her boss too.

Samia brought up this topic once they were having lunch in Felix's office.

They tactfully avoided the topic of poison like it never happened.

"So, you want to invest in his company," Felix asked after listening to her.

"Yes." Samia nodded.

Felix understood the situation and even though he was sad about it because Samia won't be working with him anymore.

She won't have time if she were to take over a company.

"Are you really fine with it?" Samia asked a grumpy Felix.


"Then why do you look so upset about it," Samia said.

"It's because I will lose my secretary," Felix complained.

Samia blinked. Her heart skipped a beat. She never expected that he would be sad over this matter. She thought that even if he would support her, he would be spectible of her doing anything but instead, he trusted her. He didn't ask anything more, he believed more than she did.

"If you want I can continue to work as your secretary." Samia offered.

"Are you sure?" Felix confirmed.

"Yes, though I want it, I am planning to let Manish remain the CEO and continue my life like before." Samia paused for a while then continued "if that's ok with the company."

"Of course it is." Felix nodded frantically. Screw the company. He was their boss, he could decide on whatever he wanted.

Samia laughed at his reaction.

They were opening up slowly and becoming more of their true self around each other.

Felix wanted to warn her that she should not trust Manish so easily but thought against it. He trusted her judgment and believed in her capabilities.

Even if she messed up, she would have his back.

"Why do these noodles taste so good today?" Samia thought she had eaten them before.

"You only noticed now that the food today is especially delicious." Felix snorted unhappily.

Samia looked at him with wide eyes. She finally understood through his expression. He made lunch.

"Ahem, This is so tasty. Which chef made this? I would like to eat his food every day." Samia showered him with praises making the aggrieved-looking Felix laugh foolishly.

Samia finally understood why she felt the taste familiar.

Samia thought it was a waste of such a good face that he was a CEO, he should be an actor instead.

They talked about other things when Felix asked.

"Are you sure you don't need more money?"

"This is the hundredth time you are asking the same question. And no, I have enough money. I earned a lot through stocks." Afraid that he would still not believe her she showed him her phone. "Look."

Felix nodded. He just thought that she would burden herself so he wanted to help where he could.

"I will ask you if I need something," Samia assured him. She wasn't using him, and she knew how he felt. If she were at his place she would also want to help him as much as she can. It was more about their feelings and emotions than money. Though she can always return the money.

"Okay." Felix smiled sweetly. At this moment he looked more like a teenage boy in a relationship than a CEO.

Samia smiled back at him. The more she gets to know him personally the more he fascinates her like he had so many sides, and the realization that all of them were for her made her feel giddy with happiness.

She is keeping him.

They peacefully ate the rest of their lunch and went back to work.

Samia had to make preparations about meeting Manish and fixing an appointment with him. It would be hard to get him at this time.