Fixing an appointment with Manish

"Here," Felix said.

Samia looked at him confusedly as he handed her a file.

"Ahem." Felix cleared his throat and continued "I know that you don't need my help but I won't be at ease if I don't do something. This file contains the information about Manish and Infotech."

Samia took the file from him.

"Thank you." Samia flashed him a smile.

She felt extremely grateful. Even though she knew about future events, she was unaware of the current situation of infotech and Manish.

It wasn't like she could get any information when she doesn't have any power or money.

Felix helped in alleviating a huge burden off her shoulders.

He was really so thoughtful.

Samia actually met Manish in her previous life. He was already a successful businessman at that point, and extremely calculating.

Samia opened the file as soon as she got home. She looked at the detailed description in front of her.

Manish created Infotech 2 years ago when he was in his last year of college. He has a mother and a 10-year-old sister to take care of. His father died 8 years ago in a car accident. His mother used to work as a chef in a local restaurant, and later he started working part-time jobs to support them. He repaired electronic devices.

He started Infotech with his remaining savings and a loan from the bank.

The company bloomed shortly because of his talent and he cleared the bank loan.

Just as the family of 3 started living in peace some people noticed Manish's talent and poached him in doing some illegal things which the latter refused. It was against his morals.

Those people felt a blow to their ego and made his company bankrupt. They even threatened him with his family if he used some tricks.

After all, he was only proficient in computers.

As a result, Infotech was struggling to survive as no one lended a helping hand to him.

Samia frowned after reading the information. Manish was described very differently from what she had actually seen. The Manish she saw had no bottom line or morals; he would do the task as long as you offered him enough money. She hadn't heard about him having any family either in her previous life. It seems like there was another story behind his behavior.

Samia also felt thankful to Felix. if he could find this information that means he could have helped her easily in this situation but he held back. He let her fight her own battles and get stronger on her own. Samia felt warm at that thought. He was so attentive.

She digested everything and decided to meet Manish tomorrow.

She called him on the number provided by Felix. It was Manish's personal number.

'tring…tring..' the phone was picked up after the third ring.

"Hello." Manish's voice sounded a little tired.

"Hello, Am I speaking to Mr. Manish?" Samia inquired in a professional tone.

"Yes, and you are?" He asked.

"I am Samia. I have heard about your company's condition and I really feel it has the potential to do extremely great in the near future. I would like to help you regarding the same." Samia said.

Manish was stunned. He was already in despair. No one helped him because he refused the organization and everyone in doing something illegal.

It would have been fine if it was just him alone but they dragged his family into it. He was already on his wit's end regarding what to tell his family. He just told them that it didn't work out.

He was happy that someone reached out to him, but he doesn't want to drag another person into his mess.

"I guess you don't know the actual situation but I don't want to do this anymore. I lost all my interest in tech and all. So it would be just a waste of your money." He was going to tell her the truth but thought against it. He thought he was really miserable. No one wanted to help him and he couldn't ask for help either.

Even when someone offered help, he still had to reject them.

Though there was a chance that this Miss Samia didn't know the truth otherwise she won't extend a helping hand.

"I see." Samia paused and then said " I know your situation, why don't we discuss this in person? You can still reject me later."

Manish thought and agreed to meet her, seeing she was insisting so much. It wasn't like he had something to do. He would explain to her later clearly that what she would be doing was dangerous.

There was more than what meets the eye.

Samia hung up after getting the confirmation. They agreed to meet in a cafe near Alberto Co. Since Felix won't let her go to any other place.

She texted Felix that Manish agreed to meet her tomorrow.

Felix: [What time will you be meeting him tomorrow?]

Samia: [ In the evening at 6]

Samia was confused about why he was asking this but she still replied.

Felix: [Then can I have your time after that.]

Felix: [Only if you are not too busy.]

Samia was amused by his question.

Samia: [ I am always free for you. Wink.gif]

Felix chuckled.

Felix : [ Oh, Then what about right now?]

Felix played along.

Samia: [Ok.]

Samia chuckled. He must have been stunned by her response. She could already imagine his expression.

Samia: [ Where are we going by the way? I will have to dress accordingly.]

Felix: [ You can choose yourself. You look beautiful in everything.]

Samia was speechless. She wished him good night and started learning about the tech market. Since he provided security services before, he won't be able to do the same now. The clients were all businesses and big people who wouldn't give him any chance at all.

Infotech can't provide the services now when they had no customers and if they did that her money would go down the drain.