Manish Agreed

Samia saw Manish sitting at a table near the window in the cafe. She recognized him with the help of the photo which was in the file that Felix gave her.

She had planned to reach the cafe a little earlier but was caught up in work.

Samia went to the seat and greeted him.

"Mr. Manish?" Samia asked.

Manish was stunned. Though her voice sounded like a young woman yesterday he was still shocked by her appearance.

He quickly regained his composure and nodded at her.

Samia shook his hand and took a seat opposite him.

They both have their orders.

Once they were seated Samia went straight to the topic.

"So as I told you yesterday I know that some people are forcing you to back down or give in to them. but I really appreciate your talent. It would be a pity if it is wasted."

At first, Manish thought that she wasn't aware of the dangers but after listening to her he suddenly didn't know how to react.

Should he say that she was a fool wanting to jump in a pit of fire?

He was touched by her words. She still wanted to help him. Nonetheless no matter how touched he felt he can't let her get into trouble because of him.

"Ms. Samia I know you have good intentions but I don't have any plans to let anyone get into any kind of trouble because of me. I will find a solution myself." Since she already knew everything, might as well he tell her straight.

Samia had imagined him rejecting her so she was already prepared.

"Mr. Manish, I think you misunderstood something. I didn't come to help you for nothing. It's a mutually beneficial proposal. I won't be at a loss by helping you." Samia continued before he could say anything.

"You don't have to worry about my safety or those people coming after me, I will handle it. What I am saying is I will be buying your shares and investing my money, in return, you will be working under me. It would be the same as before, just that you won't be your boss anymore." Samia explained everything. He was being so stubborn in not listening to her at all. She thought of saying everything in case he interrupted her and denied her again.

Manish heard her words and fell deep into thought. Before starting his own company he thought of getting a job as he didn't have any management skills. But he wasn't satisfied with the work so he thought about starting his own company.

There wasn't anything bad in Samia's proposal. And he needed money after all. He doesn't know how long he could have survived without it.

After thinking for a while he agreed to her proposal. Manish felt grateful toward Samia.

If she was forking out this much money she could have hired someone or found someone else. There were many individuals in this world who were better than him. But she still chose to help him.

Even though she made it clear that she was also being equally benefited by this arrangement he knew his company's situation. He swore to remember this favor, he would definitely help her in the future if she needed him.

Manish's face finally regained some color.

Meanwhile, Samia couldn't believe what she was hearing. He agreed so easily. She expected him to refuse her a more. She came with a few more things in case he still denied her, but she never expected him to agree on the first try.

Samia was very excited but she controlled herself and said

"Now that you have agreed to it, we can sign the contract tomorrow. I would like to make a few things clear first. I want you to take care of the company like you were doing before. I bought your shares, it would remain a secret between me and you. You will continue to work as the CEO and can take decisions as you did before. You can come to me if you have any problems."

Manish looked at her and once again nodded. "I don't have any problem with any of these conditions." Manish felt even more grateful for her trust. She gave him power and responsibility. If he failed she would suffer losses. He promised himself to work hard and not let her trust down.

When he told his mother that he failed the business even she scolded him that he didn't know how things work. He should have just searched for a job instead of this.

Samia was shocked by how he agreed readily to everything she said. That wasn't the Manish she knew at all, ok. The younger Manish was innocent, unaware of the darkness of the world.

"I know that you are very talented but if we gave the services as you did before, we won't have any consumers right now, even if I support it," Samia said. Now that everything went smoothly it was time to talk about business.

Manish thought and said "You are right. You can help me with the financial problem but all my clients are lost and they won't care about someone as insignificant as me. Do you have any plans then?" If she asked him this question she must have thought of a solution.

" I have thought about a game. Right now the gaming industry is blooming and there aren't many games on the market. So if we launch something that interests people we can get a hold in the industry ahead of time." Samia took a sip of her coffee and continued "Even if there aren't good results in the early stages, we can still take advantage compared to others who will come later."

"Ok, but I don't have any game in my mind. I don't think I have even tried making one before."

"Don't worry I already have something in my mind. I will tell you later, you need some rest right now." Samia said.

Manish thought that she was right. His brain needs to rest after being in stress for the past few days.