Date Night

Samia looked at the innocent Manish in front of her and said "It was admirable that you held onto your morals for this long, but this world isn't always kind, and often the people you think are nice would stab you in the back. I won't force you to do anything nor would I make you commit a crime but you need to know that you will be eaten if you don't bend your rules."

Samia stopped when she felt that it was enough. She gave him a piece of advice whether he takes it or not is his choice.

Manish processed her words in silence. He knew she was right.

If not for having the fear of his mother and sister being disappointed in him, he would have long succumbed to the situation.

After all, he lost everything but when he thought about how his mother always supported him and how hard she worked against the world he couldn't do so.

It wasn't easy for his mother to raise them and he had the responsibility of his sister too. He won't be able to face them if they knew what he did.

He also saw Samia in a new light. She is more mature than her age. She was calm and composed throughout the meeting. He wondered what could make her lose her composure.

After discussing business for a while, they decided to sign the contract day after tomorrow. Samia bid him goodbye and walked to the familiar-looking car which was parked in front of the restaurant.

Samia threw herself at Felix as soon as she got into the car.

Felix was stunned.

"Did something happen?" He asked concernedly.

Samia shook her head in his embrace "I just missed you."

Samia wasn't as calm as she showed herself. It was a long time since she negotiated a business deal with someone. What she did today was not even considered a negotiation since Manish agreed so easily.

Still, it made her uncomfortable that she had to fight and become strong even though she just wanted to live a simple life. She was feeling helpless. She couldn't help herself when she saw Felix, someone she can open up to.

Felix understood her concerns even without her saying anything.

Samia relaxed after a few minutes. She broke the hug and asked, "Where are we going?"

"To watch a movie," Felix said casually.

"Really? But I have to work on infotech and there are so many things." Samia's excitement from earlier was gone as she thought about the pending work.

"Not my fault. You said yesterday that your time is mine." Felix shrugged.

"Shouldn't you help me instead? What kind of boyfriend are you?" Samia complained.

"I am helping you by relieving your stress. We hadn't been on a date till now. And Sam you are even busier than me." Felix said.

"So Which movie are we going to watch?" Samia asked, changing the topic. She knew if she said more, Felix will put on an aggrieved expression like he had been wronged.

"You can decide," Felix replied.

Samia took out her phone to search for movies and to check their ratings. She threw off the pile of pending work at the back of her mind. Felix always tried to spend as much time as possible with her, and every time she would be busy with her work.

This time she would just relax and enjoy.

Samia selected a movie till they reached the theatre.

It was a romantic movie named 'Destiny'. It had positive views.

"You wait here. I will go buy the tickets." Felix said.

Samia nodded and waited for him. She watched Felix waiting in the line and couldn't help but laugh at the scene in front of her. Who would think that Felix Alberto would stand in a line? She didn't know if he came to watch a movie like common people before or not.

While Felix was waiting in the line, Samia went to buy popcorn.

When Felix returned he saw Samia with a big bag of popcorn and two cokes, it looked like she could hardly carry them.

Felix laughed at this scene. He hurriedly helped her to carry it.

"Why are you laughing?" Samia pouted.

"You were looking cute." Remembering how she looked. Felix who just managed to control himself burst out laughing again.

"What's so funny," Samia said with a deadpan expression.

She was carrying the bag effortlessly. It just looked like that because it was so large.

Samia could not understand what was so funny in that, and he couldn't stop laughing.

"Ok ok let's go," Felix said quickly, in case she would get angry.

They found their seats easily as Felix bought the tickets for the top ones. The movie would indeed look better from there.

The movie was about to start in five minutes, so Samia asked him the question which was bugging her mind for the last half an hour.

"So how many times you came to the theatre."

"This is the second time," Felix answered casually.

Samia's lips twitched. She knew that the probability of him coming here would be low but still, he came here only once.

And here she was overthinking about when he came, with whom he came, and stuff.

Still, she was curious.

"Who did you come here the first time with?" Samia asked.

"It was in the last year of high school. Eric dragged me here to watch a film with me." Felix replied.

"Oh," Samia replied. She knew Eric was his best friend. So she didn't say anything.

But the thought that he came here with her willingly when he just said that he was dragged here the first time made her feel something she never felt before. She couldn't name the emotion which was brewing inside her.

She stopped talking when she noticed that the film had started.

She shifted her focus to watching the movie instead of thinking about any strange feelings. She will get on to that later.