Discussing Game

Manish signed the contract after both of them checked the terms.

Manish felt that she was really helping him out. If it was any other person they would have used him and added a thousand terms for their benefit.

"So you're my boss now, congratulations," Manish said.

"Thank you. I hope CEO Manish will give his best." Samia replied.

They shook hands to signify the completion of the contract.

Manish couldn't believe that he got his normal life back, just like that.

"Let's talk about the game now. I don't know the technical terms, so I would tell you what I thought of the initial idea and you can decide the aftermath and if you want to change something." Samia said.

Manish nodded.

"I researched about the market and saw that there are very few MOBA games. We can take advantage of that situation since they are not in trend yet and launch a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game."

Samia gave him a few seconds to understand then continued

"Players would compete with each other in killing the non-player character and opponents having different abilities. A quick match of approx 15-20 mins. It will have different stages and different characters.

As for the world design in the game, we can make different ones like magical or sort of."Samia became excited as she spoke about it.

We can discuss the details later. I hope you got a general idea of what I was talking about.

The more Samia spoke, the more Manish's face became unreadable.

It wasn't that he was looking down at Samia but he never expected her to come up with such an idea.

It was excellent and it was perfect and he was tongue-tied.

He never thought that she would come up with such a brilliant idea that he would be speechless.

There were games out in the market but the detailed description she gave made him feel like it would be a blast when launched.

Not immediately but definitely.

Manish felt a little spectible.

She knew nothing about this field and yet she was putting in so much effort, coming up with a mind-blowing idea, and here he was, not knowing whether he deserved her trust or not.

If she went to the market and told her idea there would be many people who would be more than willing to invest in it. And there would be many developers who are better than him.

He felt like a huge responsibility was on his shoulder. Heck..he doesn't even know if he would be able to make it or not.

If Samia would hear his thoughts, she would definitely reprimand him. He was doubting himself too much.

Sometimes it's like that. People see the genius in you more than you do yourself.

Samia sighed with relief. Now that her game was accepted she talked about another important issue "I would leave everything to you then. We will have to recruit new staff too, I guess and I don't know much about game development so I don't know what you require, you can request freely if there is something you want." Samia said.

Manish thought that he would try his best to fulfill her expectations.

They talked in detail about the game, about its levels, the characters, different types of damage, and resurrection skills.

Samia tried to recall if there was something left but she couldn't recall anything more so the discussion finally ended.

"You can ask me if you need any help."

The game design which she explained was one of the most popular games in later years.

She never played it but it was so popular that she still heard everything about it. Samia regretted it now. If she played it even once, she would have been able to give out more details.

She never thought that she would be entangled in this. She knew nothing about tech and these companies. It was a field she was completely secluded from in her previous life.

Samia threw her worries to the back of her head and once again made it sure that Manish understood everything.

Manish nodded again and again at her.

"Are you guys done or do you need more time?" A voice interrupted us.

Samia turned around to see a scowling Felix.

Samia didn't need a second more to guess the reason he was scowling. He was jealous.

When she told him she would be meeting Manish again, his face was a sight to behold.

He wanted to say something but did not utter a single word. Samia knew he wanted to stop her but couldn't say so. In the end, she ended up meeting Manish at his apartment.

Now Felix was looking at Manish like if you're done, please get lost.

Samia didn't know whether she should laugh or cry.

Samia walked Manish to the door while the latter ran for his life.

"So are you going to be normal or I should change your name to Mr. Jealous," Samia said.

"I am not jealous. I just don't like the sight of him." Felix retorted.

Samia nodded in an exasperated way, her expression saying 'as I believe you.'

Samia knew that he was overdoing a little bit. But she could see that this was coming from a vulnerability which neither she knew yet, nor he said. He wasn't perfect and Samia couldn't expect him to be. So she let it pass away, for now. They would come to everything eventually.

The whole week Samia spent helping Manish in recruitment, behind the scenes of course. No one knew that the ownership has been changed, except the shareholders. They don't mind not meeting the new boss, they don't have high expectations from Infotech anyway.

Manish gave her a more detailed design of the game better than she described and they decided to go for it. They will add the updates later.

Samia was so tired, working for two companies simultaneously. All she could see was the upcoming weekend where she would relax and sleep.