
Felix was woken up by the ringing of his phone. It was ringing non-stop.

Felix frowned and picked up his phone but his expression changed to that of concern when he saw Samia's name on the screen.

She never called him so early in the morning.

"Hello" Felix answered in a panicked voice.

"Hello, Felix, can you please come over?" Felix heard her voice quivering. Samia didn't say anything more so he could not get the idea of the situation.

"Ok," He didn't ask any questions and hung up.

He rushed over to her place. Felix's heart was beating so fast with worry.

The door to the apartment was opened, maybe Samia was waiting for him so she did not lock it. He thought he would reprimand her later on.

Felix was shocked when he saw the sight of the living room.

The whole room was messed up. Samia was holding a pan looking ready to fight and in front of her was a dog who was looking innocently at her. It was a light brown Labrador Retriever.

Felix tried to calm himself. He thought there was some emergency but never in his wildest dreams, he imagined the emergency to be a dog.

"Sam" Felix called out.

Samia turned around and before Felix could understand anything she jumped on him.

"He jumped on me," Samia said pointing towards the dog.

Felix was dumbfounded, but still, he patted her back.

"It's fine, it's just a dog. He was just excited to see you." The Labrador looked at Felix and walked around him in circles after seeing the new visitor.

Felix looked at Samia who refused to step down and could only coax her helplessly.

"He was just excited to see you, look."

Samia refused to back down.

"I should have just rejected Abigail. She told me that he won't do anything." Samia told Felix that Abigail asked her to take care of it for a week.

"I can't even handle it for a second, not to mention a week. When came yesterday she said that he was very obedient and wouldn't do anything." Samia complained.

Felix finally understood the whole situation. He never thought that Samia would be afraid of dogs.

"He won't do anything, I promise, now can you please get down," Felix said. They were in an ambiguous position and Samia was so afraid of the dog that she didn't notice it.

Samia finally got down after so much coaxing but still hid behind Felix.

Felix patted Jerry's head.

He took Jerry to the balcony, made sure he had enough to eat, and closed the glass door so that Jerry wouldn't come out.

Samia relaxed when Felix took care of Jerry.

Felix looked at Samia who slumped on the couch. He made sure that she was fine and tidied up the room.

Felix asked after sitting next to her when he remembered the scene he saw when he came in "Sam you did not beat him with that pan did you?"

Samia quickly shook her head "No I was scaring him when he came near I threw the pan away and this stupid dog picked up the pan and returned it to me."

Felix stifled a laugh.

"Relax, he was just trying to play with you."

"Who plays like that? He almost gave me a heart attack." Samia pouted.

"Sorry, I must have scared you." Samia apologized after she calmed down. At that time the only person she could think of was him. Her brain wasn't functioning properly. She doesn't know how she managed to do everything. But remembering how she just called him without giving any details she must have scared him.

Felix wanted to scold her before but when he saw her guilty face he did not have the heart to do so.

He just said, " It's fine, you can call me whenever you want, ok."

"Just tell me what happened, if you can, I was worried," Felix added. He has been worried about her since she was poisoned as something would happen at any time.

Samia nodded. She acted carelessly this time. Still, she felt sweet in her heart.

"Did you have breakfast?" Felix asked.

Samia shook her head. Felix ordered takeout for two of them. He rushed over here after Samia called.

After breakfast, Felix brought Jerry in.

Samia looked at him as if he brought a ghost back.

"He won't do anything, Sam. I am here." Felix assured her.

Felix brought Jerry near her and the latter freaked out.

"Shh… just pat him like this," Felix said.

Samia shook her head in horror.

"Do you trust me?" Felix asked.

Samia nodded subconsciously.

Felix took her hand and touched Jerry.

Samia felt Jerry's soft fur in her hand. She liked it, but she was still afraid of him.

When she was a kid she was bitten by a street dog twice. She knew that she should not be afraid because of that one incident. But that was deeply rooted in her mind. After that incident, she would be scared whenever she saw a dog.

Samia thought that if she would have not agreed with Abigail this wouldn't have happened.

When Abigail came last evening she told her that Jerry is so obedient and cute while the latter was really sitting obediently looking at them. She believed her that he would just sit and eat for the rest of the week and that she would be fine.

But today he did everything but sit and eat.

He ran after her the whole morning like she was his prey.

Samia knew that she did not handle him properly but it wasn't her fault either.

Felix spent the whole day with her trying to make Samia and Jerry friends.

Jerry liked her already but Samia couldn't understand that. She was fine with touching him and he did not make things difficult for her.

Samia sighed with relief. She doesn't know what she would have done if Felix was not here.

Jerry also quieted down in Felix's presence. He liked Felix and Samia but he still loved his owner the most. But Samia played with him in the morning, he was happy about that. His owner would sleep in, every time she had a holiday.