Ryan Working Overtime

In the evening Ryan saw Felix and Samia getting off from work together. They even flashed a smile at him.

Ryan was confused but he was happy that they were finally showing some progress.

He went back to work overtime. He was feeling bad when Felix gave him so much work but it was good that he was focusing on his life so might as well, he help him by alleviating his burden at work.

Felix and Samia went grocery shopping before going to his home.

Samia was excited because Felix would be cooking dinner.

Eric came just as Felix finished making the dinner. Samia was helping him in setting the table.

Eric pounced on Felix as soon as the latter opened the door.

"Hey man, you must have missed me so much, right," Eric said.

"People should not live in some illusion," Felix replied blankly.

"Tsk tsk. Why so serious?" Eric noticed another presence in the room. He tilted his head and saw Samia who was setting up the table.

"So you are finally willing to let her meet me." Eric's teasing mode was on.

Felix warned him with his eyes.

Still, Felix introduced them to each other.

"Nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you." Eric said. He sighed dramatically and continued "But I know you would not have heard about me at all. What can I do? This man over here is too shy. By the way, I am his only best friend."

Samia tried to control her laughter.

"But he did tell me about you," Samia replied.

"Really," Eric exclaimed. He looked at Felix and said. "I didn't know you loved me so much. Sorry for misunderstanding you."

"Do you want to eat or not?" Felix said.

"Of course, I am eating," Eric said as he sat at the table followed by Samia and Felix.

They ate their dinner in silence.

Eric wanted to say but Felix glared at him. He knew if he continued he would be as good as dead.

Eric smiled flatteringly and continued to eat. He thought he would talk after eating. What if Felix snatched his food? That can not happen.

Felix took Eric to his study after dinner.

Samia understood that they had something to talk about so she slipped away.

Eric wanted to joke but before he could say anything Felix said.

"Samia was poisoned.

Felix explained everything regarding poison and how they were not able to find anything.

"It seems her background is not easy," Eric said.

"And she doesn't have any clue regarding that."

"Fine. I will try to look into it." Eric replied.

"In fact, except for poison, many people tried to harm her. My men stopped them but when we tried to get any information they killed themselves." Felix said. He didn't tell Samia about the attack. Even imagining something happening to her makes him feel restless.

He doesn't know what he would do if something were to happen to her.

"I will try my best," Eric assured him.

"I thought it would take you forever to ask her out but you guys are already dating. Not bad, I never knew you had this talent in you." Eric said.

Felix rolled his eyes.

"It seems like you have so much time to care about my life," Felix said.

"What are you saying, man? I care about you, that's why I am concerned." Eric's face showed a hurtful expression like he was hurt by Felix's words.

Eric realized that Felix had reached his limit, so he quickly dropped the topic of Samia and started telling him about his adventures on the mission. Of course, hiding the parts which should be confidential.

"Our classmates are having a reunion this weekend if you don't know yet," Eric said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"What am I supposed to do then? It's not like I would be going there anyway." Felix retorted. He never attended any parties of their classmates after they graduated.

"Everyone thinks that you are going to attend this year. They have even made a bet on whether you will be coming or not." Eric informed.

"Is there something different this year?" Felix asked curiously.

"Stella is coming back."

"Who is Stella and why does her coming back, have any relation with me attending the reunion." Felix was confused.

Eric was speechless. He couldn't believe Felix was this dense.

Eric explained helplessly, " Stella, the girl who had a crush on you throughout high school. She actually made everyone believe that you guys were dating and you were high over heels in love with her. Everyone thought you courted her while in reality, nothing happened."

Felix nodded in understanding. Many people used his name to achieve what they wanted.

"That still doesn't explain why I will attend it."

Eric sighed.

"You never attended any of their events and coincidentally at that time Stella went abroad so everyone thought that since you love her so much you will definitely attend to get her back," Eric said.

"What kind of logic is that?" Felix asked.

"They don't have a logic bro. They just want to gossip about something. Especially since you are rich. They are seeking ways to suck up to you."

Felix knew this. Some people didn't have any self-respect and they would do ridiculous things to achieve their goals.

Eric and Felix went downstairs after talking about some business.

Samia was already sleeping on the couch while a TV show was going on in the background. She must have fallen asleep while watching it.

Felix couldn't help but feel warm at this scene.

"Woah..Woah Someone has a lovestruck expression on their face. I never thought I would be able to see such a sight. It's not a dream right." Eric teased him.

Felix rolled his eyes.

"Ouch.. Why did you pinch me." Eric exclaimed.

"To make you realize that it's not a dream," Felix said as a matter of fact.

"Eric's lips twitched. He felt it was no fun to tease this guy.

"Now if you are done, would you like to walk out by yourself or I should throw you out."

"I am going."

"You're so cruel," Eric muttered under his breath. Still, he complied. Who knows when this guy would become serious and would throw him out? His reputation would be ruined by then.