Ryan Got To Know The Truth Finally

Ryan saw Felix coming together with Samia once again. When they came together he thought it must have been a coincidence, but he saw them together, almost everywhere.

Samia was his secretary so it was normal for her to be around him. Even so, he was Felix's assistant but he would find Samia every time he went to Felix.

He couldn't help but ask this time. "Why are you guys always coming together?"

"Because we came in the same car," Samia replied. She felt that Ryan was asking a nonsensical question. After working for so long, they were already friends so she used to talk with him casually.

"That's what I meant?"

"Sam." Felix cleared his throat.

"Even though he is a little smart, I mean he needs to be my assistant. He is still quite dense." Felix explained to Samia.

Ryan was already confused but became more with Felix's words. Was he praising him or saying that he was dumb?

Samia had a look of realization. She nodded in understanding.

Samia turned to Ryan and said "I never thought that you were not aware of this fact. We are actually dating." Just like that Samia dropped the bomb.

Ryan's brain stopped functioning. He was trying to process what Samia just said.

He tried to give them some alone time to spend together, even worked overtime and they were already dating. They even gave him excess work.

Ryan thought he was very pitiful.

After not getting a reaction from Ryan, Felix and Samia resumed walking to their offices.

Ryan thought he wouldn't be able to complain since Felix is the boss. Who will listen to him? He felt like crying but no tears came out.

In the evening Felix dropped Samia off as usual and went back to his home.

Samia felt Felix was acting a little strange today, but she can't pinpoint where so she thought to ignore it.

Meanwhile, Ryan called Eric to inform him.

"Felix was right. You are really dumb. They were so obvious." Eric was trying to stop his laughter.

"Felix wasn't looking like himself today, you should check up on him," Ryan said suddenly.

Eric nodded then remembered that Ryan was on the phone so he said "Fine, I will see him."

Eric went to Felix's house and rang the doorbell.

The door opened and he saw Felix, his eyes hazy.

"Woah man calm down," Eric said.

"That's what I am trying to do, "Felix said.

"God.. I am losing my mind." He continued.

Eric helped him to bed and gave him a sleeping pill. They came up with the only solution for his condition. The doctors tried everything but he wouldn't calm down. It was a psychological problem and they didn't have any cure that would stabilize him.

The pill had little to no effect on him when he lost his cool.

"I will try to not get up from the bed, but you should leave this room," Felix said with a little bit of consciousness he had.

Eric nodded and closed the door. By the looks of it, he knew the matter could get worse.

Eric thought of something and called Samia. They exchanged numbers when he came for dinner.

"Hello," Samia said after picking up the phone.

"Hello, Samia. Can I trouble you to come to Felix's house and take care of him?" Eric asked. He was unsure whether Samia would be able to help or not but he still wanted to give it a shot.

"Did something happen? What happened to him?" Samia's panicked voice sounded from the other side of the phone.

"Nothing big happened. It's just a kind of mental condition. I will only be able to tell you more face to face." Eric said. He wanted to call Samia before and now he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, I am coming." Eric heard the closing of the door through the phone. Samia tried to sound as calm as possible but he still detected her nervousness.

Samia hung up before he could say anything more.

Eric heard the doorbell ring after 20 minutes.

He opened the door and saw Samia.

He told her about Felix's situation vaguely. He couldn't tell her about the reasons as it would be better if he told her that himself.

Samia understood that Felix would tell it when he would feel comfortable about it.

Eric gave her a few instructions that she needed to leave Felix alone if he did something.

Samia only felt her heart ache for Felix the more she listened to Eric. He must have gone through something very bad to become like this.

Samia locked the door and went to Felix's room. Even though she often stayed here, it was the first time she was entering his room.

Samia opened the door slowly, she saw Felix lying down on his bed, covered in sweat, his breathing ragged. He was trying his best to pretend that he was asleep but she knew he was faking it.

When the door opened he shut his eyes more tightly.

"Felix," Samia walked up to him and called softly.

Felix flinched when he heard her but still did not open his eyes.

Samia touched his hands. Felix opened his eyes slowly.

"What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here." Felix said with bloodshot eyes. He was losing his consciousness again and again.

Samia didn't say anything and just held his hand.

Felix looked at her silently. He had calmed down a little and could think a little now. He knew his condition best and he doesn't want to harm Samia. He wasn't in the mind to think about what she was thinking of him in this state. Whether she will refuse him after knowing that he was mental. His brain wasn't functioning to even think about the results of that possibility.

"Can you please go, I don't want you to see me in this state," Felix said vulnerably.

"Shh.. I am not going anywhere, I will be with you." Samia stood up and kissed his forehead lightly.

"Sleep." She said softly.