Visiting The Grave

The next morning.

Felix shifted in his bed when he felt a weight on him.

He slowly opened his eyes and there she was. Resting her head on his shoulder while her leg was on his abdomen. He remembered last night he was in her embrace but right now she looked so little in his.

Remembering last night, Felix felt relieved and happy. He must have been the luckiest person to have her in his life.

After seeing her stance he knew that she would always stand together with him.

Samia woke up a little later. Felix had already left the bed till then.

Samia walked downstairs as she saw breakfast ready on the dining table. Samia gave Felix a smile and greeted him "Good morning."

"Morning," Felix greeted her back.

After having breakfast, Samia told Felix that they are going to take a day off today.

Felix knew by her tone that she was going to do something about him, so he insisted on going to the office.

"I can rest on the weekend, and there's a lot of work at the office. I don't think it would be a good idea to take another day off." Felix said.

"Is there a problem for the CEO to have a leave in his own company? And as your girlfriend I am not asking for your opinion, I am informing you." Samia said sternly.

After informing Ryan, Samia said to Felix seriously.

"You can't always run away. You will have to face the problem to get a solution, and you know that their opinions are useless. I am pretty sure your mother would never want you to live in guilt of something which was never your fault."

Felix understood where Samia was heading to. Even though he knew that she was right, he was still hesitating. Somewhere deep down he believed that he was responsible for his mother's condition.

"I know if I left it to you, you might never get to that point, so today I am taking you to visit your mother. I am not buying any excuses. You need closure, and if you can't get it by yourself I will walk down that path with you together." Samia said, pulling him out of his thoughts.

Felix felt his chest getting expanded at her words. No one believed him unconditionally, yet she did. He was very grateful.

Felix had no choice but to agree with her.

Samia told him that she would drive later.

"Are you sure?" Felix asked hesitantly.

"What do you mean by that? I know how to drive, okay? I even have a license. You don't have to worry about that." Samia said.

"Of course, I believe you. Let's go." Felix said.

They finally set off.

As the car drove nearer to the destination Felix became more and more nervous. He would not have gathered the courage to come here if not for Samia's insistence.

He wanted to show her that he was not that weak. He can fight against himself and he is not a coward. But all of his strong facade from earlier vanished completely into thin air when they reached the graveyard.

It would be the first time he would be visiting his mother. He just hoped that she wouldn't blame him as everyone else did.

Felix was standing in front of the gate trying to muster courage so that he could face her. He tried to take a step but his Geeta seems to be frozen. They refuse to move a single inch.

Samia saw this scene when she came back from asking the directions for the grave.

She quietly held Felix's sweaty hand.

Felix felt the heat from her hands. She was passing on strength to him but he could still not face anything.

"Felix," Samia called out, forcing him to look at her face.

"Do you trust me?" Samia asked suddenly.

Felix nodded without thinking. He trusted her completely.

"Then do as I say. Close your eyes."

Felix did as he was told.

"No one can free you from yourself other than you." After saying that, Samia guided Felix to his mother's grave while the latter had his eyes tightly shut.

She helped him stand before his mother's grave and told him to open his eyes.

There was a photo, and the name and date of demise under it.

Felix stood rooted to the ground.

It was her mother's photo from when she was young.

All the memories they spent together rushed into his brain like a movie. His eyes teared up. More so at the thought that she was no longer with him anymore. He would never see her.

Samia cleaned the leaves which were settled on the grave and offered a bouquet of flowers she bought on the way here.

She saw Felix and knew that he would take some time so she started speaking.

"We came to see you. I know that he has been a little late in getting some sense but he misses you a lot. I can feel that in his eyes, every time he mentions you. We can't bring back the years we missed but we promise we will visit you whenever we get the time." Samia felt that it was enough so she waited for Felix.

After a long time, Felix said in a hoarse voice,

"I am sorry." He didn't clarify himself, but at that moment no words were needed.

He knew that his mother loved him the most in this world and that she would never blame him. He was an idiot to even think that way.

Felix cried for a long time until he ran out of tears. He felt light. The burden which he didn't even know was there, was finally lifted off his shoulders. The young Felix might have been trampled down by people around him but the current Felix knew that others' opinions doesn't matter at all.

Felix promised that he would come again later. Felix's nose was red from all the crying earlier.

It was close to the evening when they left the graveyard.