He Would Be Her Home

"Where are we going?" Felix was asking this question for a hundredth time already.

"Why did I never notice that you were this impatient?" Samia retorted.

"That's because you are so busy, even busier than the CEO, you have neglected your boyfriend," Felix said aggrievedly.

"Don't you think you should compensate him?" He added.

Samia rolled her eyes.

She was happy that Felix was going back to his old self again.

Samia looked at Felix and couldn't help but smile.

Felix's ears turned red under her heated gaze.

"You should focus on the road, right? As much as I like you staring at me, I don't want you to cause any accidents." Felix said seriously.

Samia wanted to laugh at his blushing face. The words he said were a stark contrast to what he was feeling. His expressions were telling a completely different story.

"What to do? You are looking so good right now that I don't want to take my eyes off you." Samia teased.

She couldn't help but laugh when she saw how red his face had become.

"Look at you, you are looking as red as an apple, ready to be eaten," Samia added.

"Aren't you going overboard now?" Felix complains.

Samia stopped teasing him when she felt it was enough.

Felix looked in astonishment when the car stopped. It was the same beach he had previously taken Samia to.

But the thing that shocked him the most was that he mentioned to her the last time that he used to come here whenever he felt down.

And she brought him here. Felix felt his heart skip a beat.

The sadness he was feeling a moment before was gone.

He wasn't alone anymore. He had someone he can rely on.

They walked near the ocean, barefoot on the sand, hand in hand.

Felix's heart finally calmed down with the person beside him. He watched the sea in silence. It always reminded him of endless possibilities.

They sat near the sea.

"My mother was going to divorce him but she became pregnant," Felix said slowly. He was finally opening up. Unlike last night he wasn't under the influence of his emotions. But he had already decided. If Samia was willing he isn't going to let her go for the rest of his life.

"She stayed in that hell for me. I saw through their acts every time. After getting hit she won't have the strength to do anything but would still cook for me. She could have lived a better life if not for me. I knew I couldn't help her much at that time so I used to think I would help her when I get older. But she.." Felix didn't need to finish his words to tell Samia what he was saying.

She understood. His mother passed away before he could even understand everything. Yet he carried the burden till now.

"Felix, it was her choice to keep you and stay for you. You don't have to feel guilty because of it. Whatever she endured was because she loved you, and she would never want you to be sad and guilty." Samia said seriously.

Felix nodded. He knew Samia was right.

It was just hard for him to not blame himself when he knew he was the cause of his mother's pain nor that she blamed him. And he didn't do anything wrong either.

He knew that he would never be able to change the past, and he also knew that his mother would wish him to be happier than anything else. He had to let it go.

"You never felt the need for parents all these years?" Felix asked suddenly.

Samia was stunned by the sudden question.

She yearned for parental love otherwise she would not have been so stupid in her previous life.

Samia thought for a long time.

Just when Felix thought she was not going to answer Samia spoke " We all want to be loved, but few things in life don't come just because you want it. You can't force love."

"Though we have yearned for love, we have also seen many scenarios where a child is treated worse by their parents than they could have been by any other person. So I am fine with what I have. If I am meant to get it I will get it."Samia said.

Felix processed her words quietly.

She must have been through a lot to say those words.

Felix said after a while " I don't know what you expect your parents to do, but I will do whatever you want from now on. You can think of me as your family."

Samia looked at him quietly.

She was touched. The words which he said were sweeter than any words she could have ever heard from someone.

He said he would try to give her the love of her parents and any other person she wanted.

He would be her home.

When they started dating they felt an attraction towards each other, even though they liked each other and couldn't find a bad quality about the other person.

They just wanted to see how far they could go with each other.

Samia was aware that things have changed between them. She doesn't know when it happened but they become each other's missing part, two broken pieces that somehow complemented each other perfectly.

She knew she was falling and there was no coming back.

Samia's eyes teared up. She was feeling emotions she never felt before and she liked them.

Just like that, she leaned over.

Her lips hovered against his, her heart was beating frantically, and she pressed her lips softly against his. Every part of their body was ignited by that simple touch.

Felix felt her soft lips. She moved back slightly.

Felix cupped her cheeks and pulled her into another kiss. They both started clumsily at first but slowly gained momentum. Their tongues danced with each other. They kissed for a long time before finally letting go when they were out of breath. Felix rested his forehead against hers. He pressed a small kiss on her nose.

The setting sun complimented them beautifully. It looked like a movie scene.