Making Dinner Together

Felix and Samia strolled on the beach for a long time.

"Let's go," Felix said after a while.

Samia took his hand and walked towards their car.

The car stopped in front of a grocery store instead of their home.

Samia looked at him puzzledly.

"Grocery shopping," Felix said as a matter of fact.

Realization dawned on Samia. She asked excitedly, " What are you going to make?"

"What do you want to eat? I will try making it." Felix asked while entering the store.

Samia snorted. "You said, try. Are you not sure about your cooking? Sorry to inform you but I don't like guys who can't cook." She joked.

"Then to your disappointment, I can cook almost everything. I was just trying to be humble but sadly you misunderstood." Felix said.

Samia rolled her eyes.

"How about we make something together?" Samia suggested.

"We can make a lot of things together," Felix smirked.

Samia did not notice his expression as she was looking at the items on the rack.

"Like?" Samia asked.

Felix shook his head helplessly. She was clueless.

He could only ask her about food. "So what do you want to eat right now?"

"How about we make Dosa? Although the pasta you made previously was good, let me see if you can cook anything else." Samia said suggestively.

Since they already had other ingredients at home they just bought potatoes for making the stuffing, paneer, and some snacks.

Felix said that he can do it by himself but Samia insisted they make it together so he shut up.

He thought it felt nice to do things together.

Felix looked at Samia quietly while she made the batter.

"Don't you think you should focus on your potatoes instead of staring at me," Samia said.

"Or you want to starve me." She added.

"You are so cute, it's distracting. Especially with that blue unicorn apron. " Felix said.

'And I thought you would look cute in the pink one. How come you look sexy in it? That's not fair.' Samia thought.

"Are you flirting with me?" Samia asked.

"You finally noticed," Felix replied. His face looked as if he was saying 'I was flirting for so long and you noticed now?'

"Watch your tone, ok. I am not dense." Samia said.

'Oh, you are,' Felix thought.

He thought it would be useless to fight with her on this so he played along "Ok ok you are not dense."

Felix patted Samia's head dotingly and went back to make the potato stuffing.

Felix set up the table after the Dosa was made.

"So what do you think about my performance," Felix asked suggestively after they sat.

"You did not perform anything though," Samia said.

"I was just asking whether the food is to your liking or if I should improve something."

"It's fine."

"How would you rate it then?" Felix joked.

"It should be nine out of ten since I helped you," Samia replied.

"I did not expect to get such a high rating," Felix said sarcastically. Still, by her satisfied expression, he knew that it was tasty. She just refused to admit it.

"It might be because I am starving right now. Don't they say that everything tastes good in hunger?" Samia reasoned.

Felix tilted his head and kissed the corner of her mouth catching her off guard.

Samia choked.

"Does it make it a ten then?" Felix asked.

"What?" She asked confusedly.

"Your rating."

Samia nodded absentmindedly.

Felix chuckled. He ate the rest of the meal with satisfaction.

"What are you doing?" Felix asked. After dinner, he insisted on doing the dishes. When he finished the task he saw Samia sitting on the sofa frowning at the laptop on her lap.

Felix sat beside her and leaned a little to see what she was doing.

There were all kinds of information about video games, how they are made, and the applications and software used to create various functions.

"I was just studying about the games," Samia replied without looking up. She was so engrossed that she didn't even notice when Felix sat beside her.

Felix took the laptop from her hands and kept it on the table.

He held Samia's hands and said "You should not worry about these things. It's not your job to develop the game right. Let those people do their work, you have already helped them a lot by telling them the game design."

Felix assured her. He understood where it was coming from.

When a person starts a new company he feels he should know and help every department but everyone has their own expertise. We just overwork ourselves.

"You are making me feel bad now. Just how much do you work, and I just laze around compared to you." Felix said with an aggrieved face.

It was Samia's weakness.

Still, she smiled sweetly at him.

He was making it look like she was doing him some injustice when in reality he was worried about her.

"How about we watch a movie?" Felix suggested.

"Okay." Samia agreed reluctantly.

She had so much work to do and since they both were on leave more work was waiting for them tomorrow.

Despite having so much on her plate she couldn't reject Felix. More so when the latter was acting sad because of her.

She couldn't help but pinch his face lightly.

Why does he have to be so nice?

While watching the movie Samia leaned her head against Felix's shoulder.

She was already tired from the past two days. She had been taking care of Felix and work and neglected herself.

Samia drifted to sleep as the movie progressed.

Felix couldn't help but smile at that scene.

She was so exhausted but she still refused to take a rest.

Felix shook his head helplessly. It seems like his charm really worked on her. He decided to act like that again if she did not listen to him.

Felix switched off the TV, carried Samia to the room, and covered her with a blanket before heading out.

He got ready for bed though after what happened today, sleep was the last thing on his mind.

Despite everything, he was happy that Samia was in his life.