Shareholder’s Meeting

Felix and Samia went into work mode as soon as they reached the office. 

Some important documents were waiting to be signed by Felix.

Ryan heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Felix was fine and was back in his form.

His workload had increased tremendously in Felix's absence. 

Ryan was relieved that Felix was not feeling depressed anymore.

Samia had a Shareholder's meeting in the afternoon, so they could not eat lunch together.

The shareholders were very reluctant and were sad since no one bought their shares and they were stuck in this company. More so when they came to know that it was bought by someone else. They thought that Manish got lucky meeting some naive young lady and now she wants to hold a meeting and will try to act like a boss.

They thought they would be seeing some sort of drama so they agreed.

Samia reached Infotech half an hour prior to the scheduled time.

She had planned to reach here an hour early but she got late in coaxing Felix. She didn't know before that he can act like a child.

It was also her first time coming here, so she thought she should watch around. 

It was a three-story office where the top floor was for the chairman,  CEO, and meetings while the other floor was for the staff.

Samia met Manish who was waiting for her on the top floor. Manish greeted her politely and showed her around the office. 

Soon it was time for the meeting and the shareholders and Samia gathered in the meeting room.

Everyone was shocked to see Samia.

They believed that their guess was true. Samia must be some rich spoiled princess who did not know much about the world and came here to play.

Samia looked around the room and took in everyone's reaction. 

Samia knew what they were thinking. It was so obvious after seeing their expression after all.

Still, she ignored it and continued with her plans for the future of Infotech. 

Everyone was shocked by her vision. It might have been a good thing for the company before but since they had offended someone they shouldn't, they won't be able to enjoy these results. 

"I can feel that the company would reach new heights under your guidance. " Ben, one of the shareholders, said flatteringly.

Samia smiled back at him.

Not everyone agreed with him, but those who knew him played along and praised Samia.

"You know since you will be earning so much money in the future, it would be much more profitable for you to have more shares," Ben said. Samia finally understood his motive

Samia had thought of it before. Since they did not believe in Infotech she wanted them to sell their shares to her. 

She was just thinking about how she should bring up this topic while not looking suspicious. But they offered the opportunity themselves. It would be a loss if she did not benefit from it.

Samia couldn't help but be excited when she thought about it. 

Since they are kicking someone at their lowest, they should not expect to reap the benefits of someone else's hard work. She was confident about the company's future.

When others heard it they also started telling the benefits of having more shares, like she didn't know that already.

Since no one bought their shares they thought about selling them to her thinking that she would not be able to see through it.

Samia thought that since they want her to profit so much she should also play along

"Really, how I would get more shares and why would you give them to me." She asked back innocently.

"It's not like that we don't want more money but you are like our daughter. We want you to enjoy your time here." Sean said with a loving look in his eyes.

"We would be so happy seeing you reaching new heights," Ben added.

Samia sneered in her heart. They were such good actors. If not for her experience and knowing how these people function she would have been fooled by them.

Still, she doesn't have to care about anything else right now. Her goal would be achieved anyway.

"Then I will ask Manish to draft the contract. Thank you so much for your gift."

When they heard her agreeing so easily they were a little suspicious about it.

"You don't have to worry about that. We have already drafted it. When we came to know about the meeting we thought of preparing the contract  as a gift for you." Sean said. He wanted to see Samia's reaction to that. She would definitely not be able to maintain her expression if she was acting till now.

Samia thought that they already came prepared. She really underestimated them.

When she thought that she would not have to wait for a few more days, she was over the moon. Still, she tried her best to keep a professional face and not to show her enthusiasm on her face too much.

Except for some of the shareholders who believed in Manish and were willing to remain at Infotech everyone sold their shares.

Samia offered lunch when the share transfer was done to make herself look like a cute and innocent girl.

Just like she expected they rejected her offer politely.

"I will meet you in the future after you have become successful." Ben bid her goodbye as he strolled out of the meeting room, followed by everyone else leaving only Samia and Manish.

Samia looked over some documents and looked over the progress of the game.

They were halfway through it already.

Samia quickly finished her work at Infotech and rushed back to Alberto. Felix had blown off her phone by constantly texting her.

He seems to be worried about something because he wasn't the type of person who would bug you off when he knew exactly what she was doing.

Felix heaved a sigh of relief when he saw her return safely.

Samia did not ask why he was acting this way. He would tell her when he feels like it.