Trouble With The Release Of Winter Collection

"You know they were so excited about giving their shares to me. I thought I would have to wreck my brain in order to make them submit. But they instead told me the benefits of it. Ha ha ha." Felix looked at Samia helplessly as she recounted the whole meeting for a hundredth time.

She hasn't stopped talking about it since they sat in the car.

Samia thought that even after being one of the richest women in the whole country she still wasn't this happy.

It feels good when you start from the very bottom and you don't have to care about the rest.

It was not like doing this was easy, but Felix already took care about the troubles without her asking. She felt sweet in her heart when she thought of that.

Felix knew that Samia wouldn't think that he was forcing his help or he thought that she was not capable enough.

It was just that the road was already filled with various obstacles and he just helped to make the path a little easier.

They felt blessed to have each other in their lives. These things can easily disrupt any relationship, but they always understand the intention of the other.

They had this mutual understanding.

Felix slowly parked the car in front of his house and Samia finally stopped talking about the meeting.

"Why did you bring me here?" Samia asked.

"To sleep." Felix said as a matter of fact.

Samia rolled her eyes at him.

"You are not thinking about doing something indecent, right." Samia said dramatically. She crossed her arms around her chest.

"I was not thinking about it before, but it's a good idea since you have suggested it." Felix unbuckled his seat belt and leaned over.

"Hey, I was just joking. What are you doing?" Samia was flustered when he suddenly came closer.

Felix unbuckled Samia's seatbelt.

"What were you thinking I was going to do?" Felix asked with a smirk as he sat back on his seat. He eyed towards the seatbelt intending to say that ' I was just helping you with this'.

"Nothing." Samia said while faking anger.

How dare he play with her like this.

She opened the door and stomped away in embarrassment.

He left no face for her. Is this how a boyfriend is supposed to act? He was not considerate at all.

Felix chuckled and followed her behind after checking whether the car door was locked or not.

"Felix!!!" Samia shouted from the sofa after dinner.

"What? Why are you screaming, I am just one room away from you." Felix replied from the kitchen. He was doing the dishes.

Samia ran with her ipad towards the kitchen.

"The winter collection which the Anthony group released is what we were going to release this year." She said frantically.

Felix wiped his hands after washing the last dish. He took over the ipad from Samia and looked at the designs.

Alberto group were going to release their winter collection two days before Christmas which is ten days from now.

The Anthony group released the same designs which they were going to release.

Someone must have stolen or given their designs to them.

Felix called Ryan when he saw it. His hands were trembling slightly as he held the phone.

"Investigate this matter and bring the results to me as quickly as you can." Felix ordered.

Ryan knew what he was talking about and he was already investigating.

"Yes." Ryan said and Felix hung up the phone.

Samia went to call the PR department.

They were going to announce the release tomorrow. What are they going to release when they don't have any designs?

"You must have already read about it. We can't announce it tomorrow. Tell all the managers to cancel the preparation and look into this matter." Samia instructed them.

She called all the designated managers and gave them instructions.

Ryan was supposed to do this but since he was busy investigating, she thought she should do it instead.

Samia looked at Felix. Although his face was expressionless she knew he was very nervous at this moment.

It was everyone's effort and hard work which was at stake.

Samia made Felix sit on the sofa.

She poured him a glass of water.

"Relax, We will think of something. It would have been more troublesome if we came to know about it after tomorrow." Samia tried to calm him down.

Deep down she knew that even though the situation was not that bad they would suffer losses.

The designers worked hard for it for almost half a year and other resources would be wasted too.

Even if they started to think about doing the designs they had already released it and it would look like Alberto's are looking for trouble since they could not design their own.

No matter from which angle someone looked it was Alberto group's loss.

Someone was trying to mess with them for sure.

Lucas was the CEO of the Anthony group. He has recently taken over the company after his return from overseas. Samia had met him in his previous life.

She did not think he was capable of scheming such a plan. At least not this early.

Either he was oblivious about the designs or someone else did it and he did not say anything.

It would be fine if it was the former but if it was the latter then Samia couldn't imagine how quickly he would learn unscrupulous means to gain power and money.

She met him in her previous life a couple of times. He did not look like that kind of person.

Still you can not judge a person simply based on their appearance.

More so in this corporate world where everyone hides their true emotions behind a mask and can go to any lengths to fulfill their goals.

Right now, they can only wait for Ryan to come up with the results so that they can think about what they should do further.