The Truth Of The Matter

Ryan was shocked to see Samia at Felix's house but he ignored it. They had important matters to discuss and they were already in a relationship. They can do whatever they want.

"Someone indeed stole the designs from us but it is not some big conspiracy we expected. " Ryan said.

Felix motioned him to continue.

"Noah, who designed the dresses for our company, and Amanda, the designer for Anthonys, are friends. They went to the same college.

Noah was always the topper and was very good at her work. Even though Amanda was also a good designer she was still far behind Noah. This made the latter jealous.

She tried everything to bring Noah's work down. She befriended her but did everything behind her back to sabotage her name. Unfortunately for her, Noah passed all the obstacles through her college and successfully made her name in the industry.

This time she stole Noah's design so that it will look like she plagiarized Amanda's work.

I also heard that she asked her company to release the collection a little earlier and since they got such amazing designs they indulged her." Ryan reported everything he found.

It turned out that Amanda wanted to ruin Noah's career by doing it.

She didn't see the big picture. It was not just about them or their designs. It was about two big companies and their names which were going to be affected.

"Gather the evidence and we will deal with her later," Felix said.

" What are we going to do now?" Ryan asked.

Felix was looking troubled. They would suffer huge losses and their reputation would be ruined. Even if they tell the truth about the matter, it would backfire on them that they could not even deal with such small matters.

Their competitors are always looking for a chance to attack them.

Samia squeezed Felix's hands silently assuring him.

"Let's see what we can do. We would just release it a little later than our scheduled date." Samia said.

"Let's talk to Noah first and see what she says," Samia added.

She asked for Noah's number from HR. It was already past 11 pm which was quite late but they did not have time to think about that. They were running out of time already.

"Hello, Noah?" Samia said when the phone was picked up.

"Yes?" A Sleepy voice sounded from the other side of the phone.

"Samia here. I am so sorry that I am disturbing your sleep, but the matter can't wait for tomorrow. " Samia said, trying to wake her up.

"I am hearing. " Noah replied, her voice was a little less sleepy now. She recognized Samia, everyone in the company knew her after all, and if she is calling then something must have happened.

"It seems like you are not aware of what has happened but the designs which we were going to release are already released by Anthonys," Samia said without beating around the bush.

"What?" Noah was completely awake by this news by now.

She got up and checked and searched for Anthony's collection which was released.

"But these are my designs," Noah said in shock. She was having a hard time believing what she saw.

"How can it happen?"

"Do you know who the designer was for their collection?" Samia asked.

"I don't know. But these are my designs." Noah replied back.

"Amanda," Samia said.

Noah sucked in a breath. She was too dumbfounded to speak.

Noah finally understood what Samia Was trying to imply.

Even though that might be the case it was hard to accept that it was the truth.

She refused to believe it.

"She isn't that type of person. She won't do this." Noah said while shaking her head.

Samia understood where she was coming from, but if at this moment they took time in sorting everything they would lose a lot.

"I know that she is your friend but you need to accept that she did it. It would be beneficial for everyone and even more for yourself. We have already investigated this matter. And you should be aware that we are trying our best to help you. If it would have been some other company they would have already blamed you." Samia said.

Noah knew that she was right. If a company found itself in such a position it would have blamed the artist for lying to them. The artist's career might get ruined, and in some cases, they even have to compensate the company for its losses.

It was not that she was completely unaware of Amanda's jealousy. She did know about some of the small troubles she created for her.

It was only that it was such a huge matter that she found it hard to believe that Amanda would do this to her.

She thought that they were friends.

"You need to accept the truth," Samia said slowly.

"I understand," Noah said.

Her eyes were brimming with tears but she held them in.

It was a lot for her.

Samia thought that she made it clear to Noah that they will deal with this issue later. Right now they need to find a solution.

"I will hang up then. Tell us how you want to deal with the matter after thinking carefully about it." Samia said.

"Wait. What are you guys going to do about the designs?" Noah asked before Samia could hang up the phone.

"We haven't found any solution right now, but we will figure it out," Samia explained.

"I do have some drafts but only one or two of them would be able to match the standard for designs," Noah said. They were helping her a lot so she felt that she should do something in return too.

Samia thought for a while and said "Ok, mail it to me, also mail your other drafts too."

Noah agreed and did not ask why she wanted everything, she was not capable of understanding anything right now.

She hung up the phone and proceeded to mail the designs, before trying to process what had happened.