High School Classmate

Samia looked at Felix who was talking on the phone.

He seemed to be asking about some designers who had their designs ready for this last-minute pull-off.

Felix asked Samia about the situation after hanging up the phone.

"She has two or three other designs, the rest we will have to come up with," Samia told him the situation.

"I have checked up with other designers of the company and they have a few designs ready too," Ryan said.

If they did it like this they would somehow manage to complete the release of the winter collection in time, but it would still make them look miserable because they would not be able to fill up every gap.

"Let's work on the designs which our company's designers came up with and are approved by the department. Assemble them and bring them for the final decision tomorrow. Make sure they meet up the standard because I don't have time to reject them or tell them to improve it. You can go and rest for now. " Felix instructed Ryan while the latter went back to make the arrangements.

"Are you okay?" Samia asked slowly.

The latter smiled at her weakly. "I am fine. We will face it."

Samia knew from his tone that he was trying to assure himself instead of her.

She looked at his distressed state and felt her heart ache for him.

Samia cupped Felix's cheeks and made him look at her.

"We got this, okay. No matter who did this, or their intention that will never come true. We still have ten days. Now if you won't calm down you would not be able to think this through." Samia said, leaning her forehead against his.

Felix nodded slowly. He knew that Samia was right. He can't lose his mind right now when many people are dependent on his decision. He needs to stay calm and think of a better solution.

Samia forcefully put Felix to bed before she returned to her room.

It was usually the guest room but she sleeps here whenever she stays for the night.

It became her room over time.

Samia was thinking hard for a solution while lying down on the bed.

Samia suddenly remembered a classmate who was very good at designing dresses.

Her family's financial condition wasn't good.

Samia was not aware of her current situation but she remembered that she was very talented.

Samia could not wait for tomorrow and called Abigail.

"Hello. Did the Sun rise from the west today?" Abigail's cheerful voice sounded from the other side of the phone.

Samia rolled her eyes. She could not bother to reply to Abigail's nonsense and stated the purpose of her call.

"Do you remember the girl who was very talented in drawing and a famous artist came to our school to take her as an apprentice and she declined his offer?"

"You mean Lily?" Abigail questioned back.

"Why are you suddenly asking about her? You never cared about other people's lives." Abigail said.

"Don't interrupt me before I finish saying."

Samia explained the whole situation to Abigail.

By the time she finished Abigail's jaw was almost touching the ground. Abigail quickly recovered in case anyone saw her like this.

It wasn't like Samia could see from the phone.

"That was quite a lot," Abigail said.

"I know. I can't think of any other solution. If the standards aren't met we would be ridiculed and it's been just a few years since Felix took over. People would call him out for ruining it because he is young." Samia sighed.

She understood Felix's concerns even though he did not say anything. She had been in that position too once.

Where people are just waiting for you to commit a mistake, where they are just waiting for your downfall so that they can reap the benefits of it.

"And you came up with such a solution, that was in high school Sam and we don't even know what Lily is doing currently. There must be someone else who can help you with this." Abigail questioned.

"I don't know. We don't have much time now and my brain is not functioning either. Even though there might be more talented or hard-working people out there, we both know she was one of the best." Samia said.

It was ridiculous to remember a classmate now in this situation, but if not for her being so talented and good, Samia would not have remembered her till now.

Abigail knew Samia thought about this matter thoroughly, so she did not say anything.

"Ok, she was in our school group. I will text you her number. "

"Thanks. " Samia smiled. It felt good to always call Abigail whenever she needed help with something. Turns out someone was always there for her, she was just too blind to see that.

"Look at you, being so formal with me." Abigail snorted. Even though she said that she was quite pleased with herself.

"Ok ok, no one's being formal with you. Now I am going to sleep a good night." Samia said.

"Look at you, only remembering me when you have some work, and now that it's done you are so desperate to hang up on me. It's just evening. I can't believe you are using the excuse of sleeping to not talk to me." Abigail pouted unhappily.

Samia sighed.

Then she said in an exasperated manner "I thought that you would grow some brains in time but I was wrong, you are still so stupid."

"Hey! You are going overboard now." Abigail replied.

"You are in Paris right?" Samia questioned suddenly.

"Yeah, so.." Abigail asked. She could not get what Samia was trying to say.

Samia sighed heavily over the phone. She said in a helpless tone "Different places have different time zones and even though it's just evening there, it's past midnight here. I told you to focus on school."

Realization dawned on Abigail. She forgot about the time zone thing as Samia doesn't usually call like this.

"You… I will see you when I get back." Abigail threatened. She can't believe Samia just mocked her.

"I am waiting. " Samia said as she hung up.

She relaxed a little after talking with Abigail.

Abigail sent Lily's contact shortly.

Samia thought she would call her tomorrow.