

Somewhere in the world is someone feeling displeased by how their life plays out. The complaints, the struggle to fix them, to put an end to the negativity that it brings forth. 

We often believe if we were the authors of our fate then we would turn out better, even the best but would we? 


"I owe you no explanation," I said to her with a nonchalant tone as I headed for the exit door.

"You think you have this all figured out? You are making a mistake. " Sarah said to me with all certainty.

At this point, I had had it with her constant interference in my business and so, with my lips tugged together and my eyes fogged, I turned to her and I was swift. 

"How I use my powers should be my concern but you are so hell-bent on stealing it from me that you would go to any length to make me want to give it up but here's the thing –Never, happening,"  I told her right in her face.

"I do not need your powers for what you think." She calmly said to me with her eyes fixed on mine.