
Anger and Death.

"F*ck you!"

The words I screamed in his face to complement the slap. 

"Babe! Babe!" I heard him call out as he rushed behind me.

"Don't you dare put your filthy hands on me if you still wish to have them!" I warned.

"You need to calm down and just hear me out." He said, having jumped in front of me.

He looked confused, I get that part but his shock, I understood to be because he just got caught.

"Shove your explanations up your b*tches Ass!" I yelled in his face and pushed him out of my way. I guess he knew me well. He didn't come after me any further.

With a heavy heart and mind, I needed some ease and so I ended up at a bar. Ordered a shot of scotch and then another and another. At the fourth order, I felt a hand grab the glass away from my grip.

"This isn't you." He said,