
Bad luck.


"Thank goodness you are awake," I said, rushing towards the bed. He was sitting up. 

I dropped the bowl of water and the piece of cloth I brought from the bathroom on the bedside stool. 

He said no word to me, or was he not fully awake?

I watched him look around and his countenance changed. 

"Why did you bring me here?" He asked in a cool but upset tone. 

"What do you mean? We were in danger–" I tried to speak.

"I told you to get out of there." He said turning his face to me.

"Why didn't you?" He added.

"How could–" 

–"why didn't you listen!" He yelled at me.

I dropped down from the bed carefully. 

"It was my fight before you came in!" I told him.

"If I hadn't come in, you would have been dead." He told me 

"And if I hadn't helped you, you–" I retorted.