
The lesser

Confusion, guilt. I had just made an immortal, mortal and now, I might have just brought about the end of the world as well. 


"What do I do? Tell me, tell me!" I panicked.

"I have no idea!" Amara yelled back.

Suddenly, he inhaled deeply as he sat up like one who awoke from the grave. He shut his eyes tightly and then exhaled, opening them up again. I could see now that they were back to normal, his temperature too.

"Are you okay? Are you alright?" I asked worriedly.

He took his time and then rushed up to his feet.

"Of course, I'm not alright." He replied maliciously as he staggered towards the bed.

"I have just unconsciously granted every wish in the multiverse. Do you have any idea of the havoc currently going on?" He added.

For support, he placed his hands on the bed breathing heavily.

"The dagger. I must get it. If this lingers on, the multiverse will collapse." He said,