
Not gone, hidden.

"Get off me!" 

I pushed him while struggling to get out of bed.

He was stronger, he held both my hands and pinned them down with his.

"Just stop!" He said. I made sure he knew he wasn't scaring me. I looked straight into his eyes and refused to listen, still struggling and taking deep breaths while at it.

"I don't have the intention to hurt or use you! Your assumptions aren't right and I apologise for not telling you about the guards." He was still trying to calm me down.

Slowly, I relaxed while giving him a stern face. He freed my hands and got off me to sit at the bottom of the bed. His countenance had changed to a sad one as he stared at the space in front of him.

"I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. I don't like being watched or followed either, it's just–my Dad." He said, 

"He is a powerful man and powerful people have enemies. Adams Shore, my father. He is a political figure. A senator." He told me.