

How could he? Who does he think he is? Trying to dictate how I live my life. Why couldn't he just make the powers go away? Or was that why he saved me? To keep me under his control? He is so mistaken.

I had gone out for a walk. I wanted to make myself familiar with the environment, the weather was perfect and so I thought to take advantage.

It was a large estate, I walked by the other houses, and I loved the quietness. 

Ahead of me, was someone jogging towards my direction. I thought it was too late in the morning for that but perhaps whoever it was thought otherwise. 

As the figure got closer, it was a young man about the age of Christian, he had a caramel complexion and was wearing a grey-coloured singlet and black sweatpants. His body was moist from the exercise and the long hair he had carelessly held together at the top of his head, romped.