

"He put you up to this?" 

My words as I marched towards him. Anyone could tell how furious I was at that moment but he wasn't scared of my rage. It seemed he was so confident in his ability and he was right, I was empty. Ethan had hidden my powers to "keep me safe" and had put me in the care of this wolf in human skin to be my bodyguard. 

What was he getting at? Was he trying to prove a point? Did he think me to be stupid that I couldnt deduce he was trying to keep me under the control of a man simply because I had shown him how independent I could be? 

He could have assigned anyone to do the job but no, it had to be a man and this man stands before me so confidently like it wasn't a big deal the secret he just let out to my face. Wtf!

He knows my story, I expected more from Ethan. What was going on, why does he keep making me go around in circles?