
Lilith's Spirit


"Elena.." He called out. 

"Who..are you?" Elena asked him.

"Michael, he is Michael," I replied to her.

"What is going on here?" Ethan asked, 

"Just hit him with it already, we don't have all day," I said to Michael.

"You–do not give me orders." He responded to me.

"Can you two just get along already?" Nava said, 

"Who is she?" Ethan asked, referring to me.

"Your lover," Jon replied, 

"My what?" Ethan replied.

Michael sighed, 

"Just–stay still." He told Ethan.

"For what? I don't know what you all are up to but keep me out of it." Ethan warned us.

"You are a part of what this is all about and we need your head in the game which is why Michael has to work on it," Jon said, 

"Work on what?" Ethan asked angrily.

"Your..head.." Jon responded.

"Don't you dare?" He warned Michael.

"I am not doing this." Michael turned away.