


Sitting in a corner, I could see how they all were making ideas into a plan. I could hear them but deep down a question repeated itself.

'What's wrong with throwing in the towel?'

It didn't take long before everything faded into an illusion my mind had created for me.

The days of innocence. Yeah, no days like those days. 

I sighed.

Would things ever go back to the way they used to be even when all of this is over? Will I find myself a good man to call a husband and then have kids to raise? Will the world be safe from any of these? Will the fights never end? 

Pondering this while my eyes beheld a different picture, I was soon brought back to reality.

"Is she with us?" Michael's voice broke through my mind.

And then I could see everyone staring at me.

"Excuse me." 

Those were the words I could utter and then I walked out of the room shutting the door behind me.