
The bearer

I jolted up at once from beside Ethan. Breathing hard and fast, my eyes rolled about in their sockets. 

"What's wrong?" Ethan sat up.

"I had a feeling," I said, 

"About what?" He inquired.

"Not what, who?" I said, 

"We must return to the house," I told him as I dragged down from the bed reaching for my clothes.

He got dressed too and once we were ready, he opened up a portal which took us back to Nava's backyard. Just behind Jon, Nava and Elena.

"Elena," I called out to her.

She refused to turn, I remembered her face and heaved a sigh.

But then my eyes fell on a brawl going on just up ahead. 

"Is that?" Ethan inquired, not too sure.

"Chris?" I was confused.

"He came to kill her," Nava said to me. 

"Why?" I inquired, 

"Did he hurt you?" I asked Elena. But she was more concerned about hiding her face.

I held her anyway. Quite strange that I had this love inside of me lingering for her.