If you have low self-esteem, you probably also have little success in achieving your goals. You may not be able to even properly define and set goals. So what happens when you see someone who is thriving? Well, now, I would feel happy for them and wish them continued success because I know how awful it is to lack focus and drive. However, it wasn't long ago that I was a bitter and resentful bitch. It couldn't be helped. Seeing someone do well just threw more light onto my own lack of...everything. I knew it was dumb, but that is the mindset of a loser. It's a difficult mental roadblock to overcome.
First step came with identifying myself as a listless loser.
I'll never change for the better if I don't admit that there is a lot wrong with my personality. I have to take the time and put in the effort to unpack every facet of my broken mind before I can even go about fixing it. It'll come with a lot of tears and hiccups, but it has to done.
I don't wish to be a loser for the rest of my life. I don't wish to resent others simply because they worked hard and I didn't. Self-awareness is one of the few things about myself I can take pride in.
I will never again pass the blame onto someone else.
I am where I am because I got myself here. I turned myself into a loser by not being harder on self. I didn't set a clear standard of trajectory for my life. I did not think like a winner, so it's no surprise I've got the results of a loser.
Winners don't make excuses. They refuse to fail. I have to take this to heart if I am to unchain myself from the shackles of failure. Shackles that I locked on myself.
I have to sweat and grind. I have to keep pushing forward until I get the results I wants. It is the only way. I can't keep putting in 10% effort and expecting the other 90% to be handed to me.
Expecting handouts, leeching off others, thinking things will come easy, insulting successful people to make yourself feel better about your failure, not working hard, giving up without trying and being resentful. All this will drive you into despair.
I am relieved that most of the following does not apply to me. There is hope.